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   The next week the boys began to eat lunch. Tamika was pretty happy about this, and you couldn't say that you weren't a little happy that they ate with you.

You hadn't noticed ,but everyone else seemed to notice that Bokuto was pretty clingy of you. You just thought he was just like that. Akaashi thought it was hilarious, but his face didn't quite show it.

   "y/n~!", Bokuto leaned against you. You giggle and and look at him, "What? I'm trying to eat.", a small pout is now on his face. "I'm still hungry.",

   "What! You've eaten four rice cakes, a bag of chips, and two fruit rollups! How are you still hungry?", look at him with disbelief. " What? We're men! All we do is eat ,sleep , and play volleyball!", Konoha yells and laughs. "I believe that Akaashi is the most mature, so intern he is the only true man out of the three of you.", Tamika states while glancing at Konoha. A small smile rest on their faces. Akaashi and you both took notice of this and looked at each other and smiled.

    While Bokuto didn't quite see with his...... outgoing personality, but he did see you and Akaashi smiling at each other! Oh no Bokuto was not having that! He grabbed your wrist and pulled you up off the ground and dragged you away towards to god knows were in the school.
  "BOKUTO! What's wrong with you? Hey?", you try to get out of his grasp, but his grip tightened. He was clearly doing without thinking. "Bokuto! Hey, stop!", you yelp as your wrist began to hurt. "Ow, ow, Stop!", you final cries finally get to him and finally stops and let go of you now bruised wrist.
You pull away quickly, but Bokuto than because to examine your wrist. 

   "I'm so sorry.", you hear him say with grief. You realize that his eyes were glazed over as he looks at you large bruise. "It's fine. I know you weren't trying to. Just don't do that ever again please!", you give him a innocent smile and give him a small pat on the head.

    He looks at your eyes and feels his small butterflies in his stomach. A smile slowly starts to show.

  "You still hungry?", you ask. He blinks and nods at you. "Well I still have this bag of gummies. You want  them?", you show a small bag of gummies in your palm. Bokuto lights up, "YES!", he yells. You laugh and hand them to him as you see his smile. Your hands brush against each other. You take a mental note of this so you can be flustered later.

   Then you two talk and head back to the others.


   It's now the weekend and you call Tamika to ask if you two were gonna practice today.

   "Yea, lets practice! We have that one gig coming up next month we should probably practice.", she said it in a way that didn't seem happy about practicing. "You don't sound happy about that.", you said bluntly. "You've been hanging out with Akaashi too much!", she whines through the phone, " It's just... lately we've been practicing not as often as we used to...", she starts to quiet down. "And?", you add. "Well....I've gotten pretty bad at playing the piano.  So—", you start to laugh so loud that Tamika's parents could hear you. "Don't worry we'll start practicing more! It'll be fine!", you say reassuringly.

   You guys finished up and decided to practice at noon at your house of course.

    This time you brother can't bother you since he's back at his dorm. Your brother graduated two years ago and now is in college.

You started to head to the garage to start getting everything set up. You got the keyboard turned on and sat down at it. You started to practice a song idea that had been floating in your head now for like 3 days now.

You started to play a soft and delicate toon. You smiled as you slowly progressed into a sweet love declaration. Though you haven't decided what the words will be you know they have to be beautiful.

You look up hearing the garage open. You look back down and continue. "Hey do you think I should add a seventh here?", you ask. You look back up to see Tamika along with Konoha, Akaashi, and Bokuto.

You stop playing and glance at Tamika. You gave her the 'what the hell' look.

You realize that you were wearing a pair of you short shorts ,and one of your brothers old shirts. You blush a bit before you say, "I wasn't expecting other company. I'm going to go change.", you swiftly walk out and head to your room.

Tamika starts to laugh, " Gosh she is too shy!", " It's just you guys!"

She then see that Bokuto was a light shade of pink. She starts to get a mischievous smile on her face. The boys all notice, well except for Bokuto. He was still trying to get himself together.

     You return and apologize again then continue with asking Tamika about the seventh chord.

     The boys sat there in what seemed to be a dome of confusion.

       What's a split chord?

  How can they tell what to play on sheet music?

    But they still were quiet and sometimes helpful, of course only in the case of them needing something like a water bottle or another sheet of paper.

      •After practice for 2 hours•

    The boys were half asleep ,and Tamika was nearly dead from all the note and sheet music she was gonna have to memorize. Then you stood there ready for another 3 hours of practice!

  "How about we get something to eat?", Tamika desperately signed. "Ya. That sounds great to me.", Konoha yawned while stretching. Akaashi gave a small nod in agreement, and Bokuto was out cold.

    "I guess we should probably do that since we kind of HAVE too!", you gave a big huff before beginning to put everything away. "Gosh you act like doing simple and important daily  things ,like eating , are so difficult!", Tamika teases you while putting up the mic stands.

    You all laugh and continue and quickly finish getting everything put away.

      "Bokuto-san~", you kneel down and poke his cheek. " Wake up! We're gonna go eat something ,come on! Wake up!", you start to shake him up ,in which he jolts up making both of your heads collide.

    "OW!", you hiss while now holding your head, " I'M SO SORRY Y/N!", Bokuto  blurts out. "Are you two okay?", Akaashi ask calmly. "Ya,  'twas only but a non-showing flesh wound!", respond while slowly getting up.

   You offer you hand to Bokuto ,but he just stares at it. You look at him confused.

   "You just gonna stare at it, or are you gonna get up?", she ask in a teasing tone. "Oh!", he stammers and begins to turn red.

    He grabs your hand, and you pull him up with a huff. You now too have reddened cheeks and are more shy. Didn't help everyone else was now really quiet. So it was very awkward.

   Tamika ended the uncomfortable silence, " Let's go to a place with BURGERS!", "Burger it is then.", Konoha laughed. He grabbed Tamika's hand and headed towards the restaurant. Tamika was now also apart of the blushing club.

    An with that the rest of you began to head out with you and Bokuto dragging behind.

   *Okay! So I tried space things differently, I don't know if it's better, or worse the way it is now. You guys tell be what is best for you guys to read. Whatever makes it easier for you!*

*Lucky *--  Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now