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⚠️Suicidal thoughts/feelings ⚠️

    It was finally the end of the day, and you could just go home, enjoy not having homework, and get to play some music. You shut your locker and saw Tamika staring blankly at hers. She seemed like her thoughts were going a mile a minute and very distant. You slowly approached.

    "Hey Tamika.", you smiled and received no response. You paused for a bit trying to gain a feel of the situation, "Are you good?" She blinks a bit before she responded, "Oh, yeah. What's up?"

    "Are you sure?", you asked her again. "Yeah, just had a bad day." You reached for her hand, "Do you want to talk-", she pulled her hand away, "Can we drop this please?" You smiled nervously, "Of course."

    "Were you going to ask me something?", she said plainly, as she finally started to put things away in her locker. You nodded.

    "Yeah, so I know your usually busy with student council stuff but on Thursday I was wondering if you wanted to-"

    She slammed her locker, "No." You jumped a little.

    "Umm, I wasn't finished.", you said warily.

    "No. If Akaashi wants me to be honest, here it is.", she stated coldly. You looked at her confused, "What?"

    "I hate our band. I hate going to practice. All you ever want to do is play music and try to get gigs, and it never leaves me time to do what I want to do.", she stated.

    "You hate it?"

    "Yes! I hate it. If I'm honest I've been avoiding going to practice for a month now. And while I'm being honest, it was the most liberating thing I've done! I've actually been able to spend time with my boyfriend for the first time in three months! Three months Y/n!", she ranted, gaining the attention of several students who started to watch. "I'm sorry I lied, but I'm done with just playing pretend band with you. How many gigs have we actually got?", she asked you. You looked at your feet, "Y/n, how many gigs?" You started to chew the inside of your mouth. "Three! For the past two years we've got three gigs, and in between it all, all we ever did was write stupid, bad songs that no one even likes!"

    "I liked them.", you said in a small voice.


    "I liked our songs.", you said more firmly.

    "Of course, you liked our songs. Are you just not getting this? I'm do-"

    "I get it. You hate our band. You hate our music.", your voice cracked.

    "Don't pull this Y/n.", she scoffed.

     "Pull what?", "This whole, 'I'm the victim', 'Your yelling gives me anxiety', hate to tell you but it doesn't work on me!" You looked at her confused and hurt, "What?"

    "God, it so infuriating when you're like this!", she ran her hands through her hair. "Like what?", "Like that! When you play dumb!"

*Lucky *--  Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now