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The next day came just as usual, and when you got to school you were greeted with Tamika running up to you.

"Y/nnn!", she shouted waving her arms around to get your attention. "Go-huh, gosh I-I really need to run more.", she panted leaning over and resting her arms on her knees. "I'm sorry abou-huh, about yesterday's things didn't really go a-huh as planned. We can still practice tomo-huh-rrow though right?", she asked looking at you with a hopeful stare. You smile at her laughing at her pitiful expression, "Of course we can! Missing one practice isn't gonna make me hate you.", "Thank you!", you an Tamika hugged each other tightly giggling at each other as you two did a little sway back and forth.

"Should I be wondering why you two are hugging like an old couple?", Akaashi asked raising an eyebrow. You both laugh and separate from your make-up hug.

  "Can't two ladies express there love to each other?", you ask wrapping your arm around Tamika to which she does the same. "Well of course, except when it's my girlfriend!", you turn seeing Konoha who removes both of your guys' arms. Tamika laughs grabbing his hand and swinging it back and forth. "Didn't know you would be jealous of her best friend, Konoha~", you tease him poking him in the arm with a smug expression. "Y/n aren't you straight or something?", he asked getting a little flustered, "Yes I am, but I'm very comfortable with my sexuality. It's just a bromance, well I guess gal-mance?", you say questionably. "Whatever, but she still is my girlfriend.", he said pulling Tamika into a hug.

   "Aren't you gonna be late for class?", Akaashi asked him.

  "Shit. Love you babe.", he said quickly starting to leave but he stops and turns to you, "Hands off my girl." You laugh as he gives you the 'I'm watching you' sign before leaving.

  Tamika giggled, "Well, I guess I'll see you two later!" "See ya!", you wave to the two before you all head to your separate classes.


"Okay, so your homework will be pages 321-323, and since this is pretty time consuming, especially with some of the up coming test later this week, you guys will only do the even numbers. Any question?", Ms. Kogona said calmly while walking to her desk. "Good...Well, you all are dismissed, Ms. L/n please see me after the bell.",     you glance up from your notebook worriedly. Then the bell rang making everyone get up and head towards their next class.

    You look at Akaashi as he leaves. He glances back looking a little worried.

   You get up from your seat and walk towards your math teacher's desk feeling your anxiety start to kick up. "Y-Yes ma'am?", you stutter looking at your feet to avoid eye contact.

  She sighs softly, "Ms. L/n may I ask why your always writing in your notebook?"

  "It's just notes...", you say quietly.

  "Well, what are the notes of, I know they certainly aren't notes for my class.", she said looking at you intensely. You can definitely feel your anxiety now. "I know its not school related. I've heard from your fellow classmates that your in a band? Tamika Hakura is in your band right?", you nod keeping quiet, scared she'll yell at you. "I've seen your grades in my class have started to drop, and I mean dropped, you've gone from a low A in this class to a low B, and I know you can do better.", she said sternly. "You simply need to try harder. Your being lazy, it's as simple as that. Ms. Hakura has excellent grades. She told me that you focus a lot of time on your music and from what I hear too much time.", she sighed aggressively.

*Lucky *--  Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now