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    You and Bokuto had finally made it to your house. It was almost dark by the time you guys got there. As you opened the door your mother called your name frantically, "Y/n?" She ran into the entree way nearly sipping as she did.

    "Mom!", the two of you embraced each other tightly. Your dad walked around the corner quickly breathing a heavy sigh of relief.

"Jesus you scared us! Where were you? Are you hurt? My god your soaked, you must be freezing.", your mom rambled, scanning you over for injuries. "Akaashi ran over here and asked if you came home early, and we were so worried when no one could find you. Then he ran off to continue looking and he never called." Slowly your father approached, his brows knit together. You looked at him cautiously, "I'm sorry. I promise I wont do it again." He wrapped his arms around you, "It's okay."

    "Honey, let me go grab you a towel. God forbid you catch a cold!", your mother sighed and quickly headed towards the bathroom. You smiled softly.

"I would have called you as soon as I found her, but I got a little sidetracked.", Bokuto said awkwardly. Your mom came back with a fuzzy towel in hand and wrapped it around. You grabbed the two corners and held them tight to your chest. She turned to Bokuto and smiled warmly at him.

    "Thank you, I'm glad she has friends like you.", your mother smiled. You turned to Bokuto, "Thank you. You mean a lot to me." He smiled. You freed your other hand and gently grabbed his hand, "I'm glad." The two of you squeezed each other's hands tightly.


He turned to your father quickly and turned pale, "Yes sir?"

Your father stuck out his hand. He grabbed it slowly and looked at him confused, "Your a good kid, well I guess your a, good young man. Thank you for taking care of her. If the two of you are set on being boyfriend and girlfriend, or whatever you young people call it now these days, you have my blessing." He stared at him blankly for a second before it registered in his brain, "Really? Really! Thank you so much, Mr. L/n!" Bokuto smiled energetically. He looked at you and grinned.

    "Bokuto sweetie, you should probably get home, we don't want your mother worrying. Your welcome to come over tomorrow if you like.", your mom said and glanced at her watch. You sighed, "Well, I guess I'll see you at school?" He squeezed your hand, "I'll meet you by the front entrance." Your mother raised her hand and stopped the two of you, "No, sorry honey. Tomorrow you will stay home and rest."


    "No. We're not punishing you for running off today, but this can't happen again. So you'll take a day for yourself, got it!", she pointed a finger at you playfully, "What do you say young lady?" You tried not to smile, "Yes ma'am."

    "So, I'll come see you after practice then?", Bokuto asked.

You smiled, "You better!"


The hallways were full of whispers.

"Did you see that stupid cat fight by the second years lockers?"

"I heard that the other girl had been sleeping with her boyfriend."

"Did you hear about the bridge incident?"

"The other girl ran off and jumped off thenbridge! Poor thing..."

"What a bitch."

Tamika walked down the halls feeling every lingering stare. She kept her eyes to the ground an avoided eye contact from the perpetrators. She had tried to call you four times, but you never answered.

*Lucky *--  Bokuto x readerWhere stories live. Discover now