You Must Marry (Tu dois te marier)

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Lady Capulet
Your father and I
Were very much in love
The day he came by 
He swore by God above 
That I was his prize
The night we were wed
I saw his passion rise
When he caught me in bed

So lovely was I
A darling like you
He promised me the earth and sky 
He swore he'd be true
Of course, as time went by
That grand love of his did fly  

We long to discover
The flame of a lover
But Juliet, love won't stay
Think, then, on your wedding day

The Nurse
Heed well your mother, child

Lady Capulet
Heed well your nursemaid, girl
Now men—

Men are men!
They perjure as they woo

Lady Capulet
We're cyphers to them

Though we keep it that way, true

Lady Capulet
Well, I'm through with men

Well, I still like my fun

Lady Capulet
You witch, not this again

I'm not the only one

But dear, do heed your mother
Of course, she's never wrong
If she at times has others
It's never for too long

Lady Capulet
Don't heed that gossipmonger
I've been a faithful wife
Love tested makes it stronger
It takes two for a life

For life is too short
So lovely and brief
Then you get a man
Of means who'll bring you relief

Lady Capulet
Just look your best, my dear

And we'll arrange the rest

Women's lots may be grim
But there're fights we can win
Marriage is the key
To a life's security

Time flies like a song, my dear

Lady Capulet
Your looks won't keep long, my dear

Juliet and her cousins dance. Lady Capulet and Nurse encourage her and give advice, "Plié, reverence," etc. They end with bows.

How lovely is life
But brief like a breath
So get yourself a man
You know won't beat you to death!
One day you'll see we're always right
Go, get your man tonight!

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