The Right Girl

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Juliet's balcony darkens. Benvolio enters.

Benvolio: Why do I have to search for you all the time?

Romeo: Benvolio!

Benvolio: Romeo! Finally! I have a message for you from your mother. She's looking for you.

Romeo: Well, what's the message?

Benvolio: That's it-she's looking for you! Romeo laughs. No, really, she thinks any moment now you're going to get knifed by some Capulets.

Romeo: Don't you mean "undone by some vile forfeit of untimely death?"

Benvolio: Good one. Lucky she doesn't know what you're really up to. Speaking of which, I, er, talked with Rose.

Romeo: Oh God.

Benvolio: You know she's always liked you. Why don't you go with her tonight? Get you out of your rut.

Romeo: I don't know, 'Volio. Rose is...complicated.

Benvolio: Don't sweat it, 'Meo. You'll find the right girl.

Romeo: The right girl.

Benvolio: Tell you what. Let's get the guys together, go meet Mercutio. He wants to speak with us, says it's a surprise. You game?

Romeo: Count me in.

Benvolio: There art thou Romeo! C'mon.

They exit.

Romeo and Juliet: The Spectacle Musicalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें