The Nurse & Juliet

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Enter Juliet, cloaked.

Juliet: Nurse!

Nurse: Juliet! She hides the flower.

Juliet: I can bear it no longer. What did he say? What says my love?

Nurse: Who, my darling?

Juliet: Don't tease, Nurse. What says my Romeo? Tell me, let me be satisfied.

Nurse: Ah, him. Well. I must say, my dear, you have made a very strange choice in a man. Granted, as looks go, he is...but that is not to be talked on. And for a Montague, he is a real flower of courtesy. But Paris, now-

Juliet: Oh God.

Nurse: -Now there's a man! A gentleman, my lady, a very flower of a man. Sobers. But you don't love him as you do Romeo. Or as Romeo does you.

Juliet: Oh, Nurse!

Nurse (gives her the flower): Come, darling. Your love awaits. Look now.

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