Tybalt & Capulet

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Scene: Outside the Capulet ballroom, a room in the estate. Tybalt enters, fuming, with Lord Capulet at his heels.

Tybalt: Montagues! At our house! Uncle, did you see him? I'll kill him!

Capulet: Tybalt, calm yourself, you're in choler.

Tybalt: A Montague's taken liberties with your daughter and you beseech me be calm!

Capulet: You're seeing things that aren't there. Reflect, Tybalt. The Prince forbade any more fighting, and I won't have any more blood on my hands if I can help it.

Tybalt: It was Romeo Montague.

Capulet: The more reason, then, to keep away. Do you think the dogs will stand for it if their heir were killed as well? You lay a finger on that boy, it's open war. Do you want that to happen?

Tybalt: He was kissing her.

Capulet: I saw nothing.

Tybalt: By this hand, uncle!

Capulet: You saw nothing. You're a loyal youth, Tybalt. But it's time you learned to pick your battles. Your father would not have wanted you to risk your life on trifles.

Tybalt: My father was my father. And I am Tybalt.

But Capulet has said the magic word. Tybalt turns away. Capulet leans back, satisfied.

Capulet: Forget the boy, and keep the peace. Do we understand each other?

Tybalt: Yes, uncle.

He exits, leaving Tybalt alone, frustrated, bitter. He looks at his ring. His father's.

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