The Prince's Edict 2

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The Prince: People of Verona. Once again you have soiled our streets with blood, with my blood! Am I your fool? Am I the king of beasts, reigning over fools and madmen? I could demand your death, Romeo-

Immediate din, a chorus of nos, from the Montague side. The Prince silences them with a brusque gesture.

The Prince: But as it is, you are hereby banished from this city. If you are ever caught walking these streets again after sundown, that dawn will be your last.

Lady Montague: Enough! Kneeling. My prince, I beseech you. Have mercy. Not exile.

The Prince: My word is law, madam. To all. If anyone dares give aid to him, their intervention will receive the like penalty in the eyes of the law. He looks pointedly at the Montagues, but also at the Capulets, who bristle. Away.

He exits. The families attend their fallen. Mercutio is handled by the Montagues, who consider him their own, and the Capulets with Tybalt. Tybalt's and Mercutio's Favorites weep bitterly. Lady Capulet is in pure grief, and turns away from her husband. Benvolio and Romeo grasp each other's hands in farewell. Romeo exits. Juliet enters from above.

Juliet: Mercutio. Tybalt!

She mourns. The Nurse looks at her sadly. She is holding Tybalt's gloves.

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