The Nurse & Romeo

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The Montagues laugh. Mercutio and the Nurse mock each other. The Mute escapes from her tormentors, signing expletives at them. Enter Romeo with a flower.

Benvolio: Romeo! Man of the hour. Everyone's looking for you. I'm looking for you, your mother is looking for you, and now this Capulet nurse and her mute are searching for you.

Mercutio: She wants you!

Benvolio: She longs for you!

Mercutio: She lusts for you!

Romeo: Leave us, you two.

Mercutio (to Romeo): Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Benvolio (to Romeo): Don't do anything Mercutio would do!

They and the Montagues exit, still mocking.

Nurse: Filthy dogs! Knaves! Villains! Beat. Assholes! To Romeo. Now. Romeo, is it?

Romeo: Yes, Nurse.

Nurse: My lady bade me seek you out and other matters I'd rather keep to myself. But first let me tell you: If you intend to deal double with her-

Romeo: Nurse!

Nurse: -As they say, it were a very weak dealing. The lady is young, you see. So if you're indeed true in your feelings for her-

Romeo (gives her the flower): Nurse, commend me to Juliet. Tell her to come this afternoon to Friar Lawrence's cell. He will marry us and I'll take her there as my wife.

The Nurse is stunned into silence. "Now She Falls In Love" begins. The Mute signs her delight.

Romeo: Well? Will you tell her?

Nurse: Of course, I will!

Romeo: Thank you, Nurse!

Nurse: Go, go. Romeo exits. The Nurse gestures towards the Mute. Mute, go to Juliet, quickly. Tell her to come.

The Mute exits. The Nurse becomes wistful. She gazes down at the flower in her hand.

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