Romeo's Death (Mort de Roméo)

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Scene: The Capulet crypt. Juliet lies in her tomb. Enter Romeo.

What have they done to you
That you've gone?
What have they done to you
That you'd move on?
I made you a vow
I won't forswear it now

What have they done to you
That you'd choose to
Take your life far from me
That I'd lose to
The death now here for me?

What have they done to you
That you'd leave me
The weight of their regrets
My agony?

I am done
It's over
The life that was to come
Gone forever
My time here is through
My time here is done
All I want is here with you
To be near you, my sun
Take your hand in mine
We'll soon be beyond time

I am done
It's over
For soon we'll be as one
In the warmth of her kiss
In the light of her eyes
I'll live again for this
In the blue of her skies
I will find my Juliet
For eternity
In the beyond

I am done
I go now
The world is damned, it's done
All stone now
There is nothing for me here
I want nothing else but her
I'll leave behind my fear
All my life I'll give to her
I come, my Juliet
For eternity
In the beyond...

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