Ugly or Beautiful (Les beaux, les laids)

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The Nurse
Ha, ha, ha
Laugh these fools around
Ha, ha, ha
Rolling on the ground
They don't understand
What they cannot feel
And that is why these dolts squeal:

Ha, ha, ha!
Mangy dogs, go to!
I have always known
What they say is true:
Bunch of spoiled brats
Think they know it all
But pride will go
Soon before the fall
And good riddance too!

Ha, ha, ha
Look at this one flush
Methinks the hag
Doth protest too much
If it's Romeo
That you'd like to know
He will always rise
For a pair of eyes
And a something-new

Ugly or beautiful
We want the same things too
We burn with longing and with rue
Though we pretend we're good and true
We dream the same old dream
We're not what we would seem
We laugh at love and scorn its rule
But deep down, we know we're passion's fools

The Nurse
Ha, ha, ha
Empty-headed knaves!
You lot would go
Laughing to your graves
Bunch of callous youths
Think that love's a game
Love is so much more
Than a one-night flame
Not that you would know

Ha, ha, ha,
Will you hear this hag?
It's enough
To make yourself gag
Sentimental fools
Confuse love and lust
All there is in life
Is ol' Cupid's thrust
It's just libido

Montagues 2
Ugly or beautiful
We want what we can't get
We fear and burn in longing yet
Although we claim we don't regret
Flesh's king and rules us all
We heed sweet nature's call
And though we set ourselves as just
All we do is justify our lust

Nurse & Mercutio
Ugly or beautiful,
It's all the same
We want what we can't get

Ugly, beauty
It's a game

Ugly or beautiful
We want the same things too
We burn with longing and with rue
Though we pretend we're good and true
We dream the same old dream
We're not what we would seem
We laugh at love and scorn its rule
But deep down, we know we're passion's fools

What we do

What we do

Montagues 2
Ugly or beautiful
We want what we can't get
We fear and burn in longing yet
Although we claim we don't regret
Flesh's king and rules us all
We heed sweet nature's call
And though we set ourselves as just
All we do is justify our lust

Mercutio & Benvolio
It's all the same 'cause love's a game

Love's so much more than just a flame...

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