Tonight We Dance

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Mercutio: Friends! Tonight we dance! All cheer.

Benvolio: Great, where at?

Mercutio: At the Capulets!

Benvolio: But we're not invited, are we?

Mercutio: We are now.

Romeo: How? The Capels will make mince meat of us.

Mercutio: The way we always do it, 'Meo-

All: Masked!

Mercutio: We'll go for some wine, some dance, and be off with those Capel cats none the wiser. Least of all my uncle. Everyone to your masks! Let's tear this town.

Benvolio: Hurry, or we'll be too late.

Exit except for Romeo. Rosaline tries to lead him away, but he has frozen. He stays onstage, holding his mask. Enter Death, who slowly approaches him.

Romeo: I fear...too early.

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