Skirmish Ballet

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Death is left on the stage, illuminated center-upper-stage. She is eerily still, like a predator about to pounce.

Abruptly, she stretches out her right hand. The spotlight opens on stage-right on the Montagues, in different shades of blue, including the female Lover, before fading.

She stretches out her left hand. A second spotlight opens stage-left on the Capulets, in different shades of red, including the male Lover, before fading.

She stretches out both her arms. Two spotlights open simultaneously on the two families. They face each other, threatening. Death pulls them closer together, as if they were her puppets in her control.

A tense pause. Then Death gives a sharp gesture, and retreats. The two families meet, fighting ballet/contemporary style. The Skirmish begins.

The set is now fully illuminated. The stage is split horizontally in half. The top half doubles for towers and Juliet's bedroom. Death moves to the top center of the stage while the youths below fight, dancing, commanding.

There is a break as Mercutio and Tybalt meet in the middle and begin taunting one another, with Benvolio as Mercutio's wingman. The Poet, here as a Capulet scribe, attempts to reign in Tybalt, but Tybalt pays him no heed.

A pause. Then-

M.M: The Prince!

"Verona" begins. Enter the Prince of Verona with his train, his guards, majordomo, and kin in hues of gold and black. Death commands again. The houses retreat back into their sides, bowing to the Prince.

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