Song of the Lark (Le chant de l'alouette)

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Juliet, dawn's near
The lark has sung, the night's clear
I must depart or end here
My love, be strong for me

Romeo, you heard wrong
You just mistook the nightingale's song
It's many hours yet, the night's long
So linger still with me

Without you near
Without you here
How can I be?

Hold me
Love me
Give me strength till morning
Tell me there will be
A place for you and me

Love you
Love you
All of life, I'll love you
You need me, so I'll stay
I'll face the garish day
I'd rather brave the fight
Than live without your light

Love, no
Love, go
Don't let them find you

Love you
Love you
Till the end, I'll love you
Until the night's end
Until our light's end

Until the night's end
Until our light's end


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