The Friar & Romeo

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Scene: Friar Lawrence's chapel. Romeo enters, bounding in.

Romeo: Friar, I love her!

Friar: Calm yourself, Romeo. Who is it this time?

Romeo: I mean it this time. I love her more than I've ever loved anyone.

Friar: I believe you, my son, but tell me, who is she?

Romeo: Juliet!

Friar: What Juliet?

Romeo: Is there no other who deserves my love?

Friar: Of course, my son, all the Juliets in town deserve your love.

Romeo: There's only one that counts. And she's a Capulet.

Friar: Capulet? Romeo, don't you realize who she is? What this means?

Romeo: It means she is my love. And that I love her.

Friar (heavily): Ah, love.

He turns away. Juliet appears on the upper stage again.

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