The Balcony (Le balcon)

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Which is the star or god above
To whom I owe his words of love?
Among these stars, who ruled it so
That it'd be you, my Romeo?
Renounce your name, denounce your 'line
And swear for always that you'll be mine
Or if you won't, I'll doff my own
So I'll be yours alone
Why should our fathers' madness
Destroy our chance for happiness?
How well the stars must laugh, I know
That it was you, my Romeo

Which is the god or star above
To whom I owe these words of love?
Among the gods, who had it set
That it'd be you, my Juliet?
If I must plea, beg, argue, fight
I'll do it all, to win the right
To love and to that love be true
I'd do it all for you

So let them tear each other
So long as we're together
Though we can't put past wrongs to right
We'll start a new page tonight

Then let them say what they will

'Long as you'll love me still

It was the gods, the stars above
To whom I owe these words of love
The fates above have ruled it so
For Juliet and her Romeo
It was the stars, the gods above
Who've given us this world of love
And such awaits our story yet
Of Romeo and Juliet...

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