36. Families - part one

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"Arrrgh! And now I'll eat you!" The little girl put the toy from Jungkook's hand into the dragon puppet's open mouth.

"Wait, if the dragon eats the prince then he can't go and save the princess" furrowed his brows the boy.

Haera stopped mid-action and let go of the toy.

"Oh" she looked at the puppet, deep in thought, making Jungkook laugh as he slid a bit further up on his hospital bed.

"Let's say that the dragon and the prince are friends. And the dragon is the prince's pet."

"Okay!" clapped the little girl with the poor green toy on her hand, with both of its heads swinging back and forth.

"Haera!" the annoyed yell sounded on the corridor, making the girl jump and slap her palm on her mouth.

Jungkook smiled. The little one, after some thinking, ran to the wardrobe next to the bed.

"I'm not here, okay?" she asked the older very seriously, who nodded.

"Sorry, it's me again, haven't you seen my sis..." stepped in the girl, who stopped mid-sentence at the sight of the toys on the blanket. Those were forgotten there by the hidden little one.

"I haven't seen her" answered Jungkook loudly but pointing at the wardrobe.

The teen girl didn't look better than the day before. Her hair, if possible, seemed messier than before, and this time she was wearing a yellow top with matching loose pants, so at the middle the pattern a flowery field showed.

The boy from the estate watched in amusement as the girl stomped to the wardrobe while struggling with her crouch.

"Get out of there" she pointed out for her sister then started to drag her out.

"Wait!" lifted his hand Jungkook, making the two stop. "She... She's not bothering me."

The room became silent for a moment.

"This here is seriously not bothering you?" asked the girl with disbelief as she pointed at her sibling with ponytails.

Jungkook nodded, to which the big sister let go of the other.

"But only if she's really not a burden for you" she stood hesitantly. "Anyway, I'm Yuna. And she's Haera. She can't stop talking about you since yesterday."

"He's going to be my husband" nodded the little girl, and sat back onto the chair, so she could watch Jungkook with glistering eyes.

The boy felt his face heat up, making Yuna laugh, giving out such high screeches at times that it hurt the patient's ears.

"Can I sit down?" asked the girl at last, pointing at the end of the bed.

Jungkook nodded hesitantly. He couldn't say no, but the closeness of others made him a bit uncomfortable. But the company definitely made him feel better. When he was left alone in his room, his brain started to replay everything that happened without consent; the mad gaze of the grey haired man, the iron rod nearing his body, the shouting which seemed so far yet he knew that they were his shouts...

"Aahh, already better" flopped the girl onto the mattress, and shout her eyes for a moment.

It wasn't that bad at all. As Jungkook was sitting on the bed, his legs stayed far enough from Yuna, and Haera kept talking about something next to him, which he hadn't even paid attention to, his room... It felt almost friendly this way.

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