9. Changes

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Recommended song: Peder B. Helland - Together

It had been a month since he started to live at the Kim brothers', and Jimin was finally starting to feel at home. He slowly got to know most of the house, the unreasonably many rooms, slowly getting used to the huge interiors. He was finally able to sleep comfortably in his bed. He developed a daily routine, even if he couldn't go to school. Namjoon once sat down with him to question him about some subjects but in the end, they came to the conclusion that the boy had either lost his material knowledge along with his memories or had not even attended elementary school. Jimin couldn't blush enough hearing the questions the doctor asked him. World wars, dates, mathematical formulas, English expressions, grammar questions... Apart from reading, the boy only knew the basic calculations, which might have been a little bit less embarrassing in another household but with four young geniuses in an apartment, he was not only a bit uncomfortable.

Jimin was awoken by a soft knock. He turned to his side under his yellow blanket carefully, thinking that he might just dreamed it all. He stared at the brown wooden door for a few seconds, but nothing happened. He had just managed to convince himself that only his imagination was playing with him when the doorknob was pushed down, and Taehyung peeked in through the thin gap like a small child caught in something bad.

"Did I wake you up?" asked the boy with a small voice.

Jimin looked at the clock.

"I'm usually asleep at three in the morning" he replied hoarsely.

Tae smirked, and slipped into the room, pulling one of his brown beagle plushies behind him.

The boy walked to the others' bed without asking, and snuggled under the blanket on the free side, so he could crawl closer to Jimin, burying his nose into the other's upper arm.

"I've never seen you walking around with stuffed animals before. How old are you again?" Jimin asked his closed-eyed friend, whose cold nose send shivers down his spine for a moment.

"I've had a nightmare" whined the teen.

"Oh. "

The blond hesitated for a moment, then stroked the other's brown locks. He himself didn't even like to think about his own dreams. It was all cold and dark, mostly stinky too, while nothing essential remained of them, just the feeling which made him have to get used to his own warm, light blue and yellow decorated room, and the remaining flower scent of the Yankee candle that Taehyung lit up for him every evening, and he blew away when he went to bed.

"Do you want to talk about it? "

Taehyung shook his head a little at first, then laid his arm trough the other's chest, and started to speak anyways.

"It happened when I hit you. Which was pretty bad itself, but then my parents appeared too, laid on the snow, then I saw Seokjin hyung, and Namjoonie too. Then I knew I would be alone forever. And I just sat in the snow to cry, because there was no one nearby and I didn't have a phone either, and the only thing I saw was snow and blood all around..."

Jimin hugged the other carefully. Suddenly, he was glad that he couldn't remember anything of his dreams.

"But hey, actually everyone is okay." Except his parents.

"I know" mumbled Tae. "I just don't want to be alone. "

"Wouldn't it be better if you went over to one of your brothers? " The boy didn't understand why the other came to him at all, especially if he had a dream that included the others.

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