18. The threatened

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Recommended song: Fabrizio Paterlini - While Everything Burns

“What a beautiful couple you two are” spoke the familiar voice from the darkness of the room, as Jimin’s heart jumped to his throat. The boy sat up in his bed in fright. Sharp pain pierced into his head, and he had to cover his eyes with his hands for a moment to stop the spinning of the room.
“What are you doing here?” he asked in a faint voice as he turned his gaze towards the darkness.
“So, you remember me” Jungkook stepped out from the cover into the dim light of the room.

Jimin didn’t answer, just looked at the other. For more than five months, he had not seen the boy he had met practically every day before, they were always next to each other. Jungkook’s face was covered in bruises, what wasn’t rare in his case. His hair was longer than the other remembered, his eyes were sunken and surrounded by dark circles, as if their owner had not slept for days. Jimin saw his adopted little brother in much worse state before, but something was different this time, something changed. The other somehow… Got older. He hadn’t only got higher since he last saw him; his shoulders began to widen, just as his face was different from the image in his memories too – he had lost his former childish chubby, and his protruding cheekbones had become more striking. Jungkook – though a little late – began puberty, and he wasn’t there to be the first one to see.

“I remember” smiled the boy carefully, as he tried to hold back his tears that were about to fall.  Because no matter how happy Jimin was because of the reunion, if the boy was here, it meant one with that the Estate already knew where he was. He didn’t even start his game before it was already over. “How are you, Jungkookie?”
“Like you fucking care” spitted the words out the other with hostility, as Jimin’s smile faded. “I came to pass a message.”
“W… What message? And how did you get in? How did you even know?” Jungkook’s seriousness scared him.
“The security system isn’t sharpened for a fourteen-year-old’s sneak in. You know just how easy it is to get into a house with staff, so the alarm isn’t on” Jimin obviously knew that, but personally he preferred to steal on the streets than to break in. He only did it if he was entrusted with a specific task.
“The message is from the boss. You have to bring him that thing he wants from the basement, and he won’t punish you. He only said this.”
“What? But… This makes no sense. And…” Then it suddenly hit him. The labor. The inner glass that nobody could open, only the brothers had the access to get in, but nobody knew about it. The test tubes and flasks there… The dangerous viruses that Namjoon talked about, and which caused the dead of all four parents and Yoongi’s brother.
“How… How do they know about this? How did they get to know that I’m here? How did you get here?”
Jimin got out of his bed in panic and stepped to the younger who was almost the same height as him despite the age gap.

He felt a little dizzy as he stood without any support for the first time, and would have liked to grab the other, but did not want to appear weak in front of him. This wasn’t the situation where he could do that.
Jungkook gulped. His Adam’s apple went up and down from his nervousness.
“Lisa saw you on the street.”
Oh. Jimin didn’t even think it through, but now that the other mentioned it… He really saw Lisa. How did he not realize it before? The girl who stared at them so much after they fell with their bikes. How could he be so reckless? The boy slapped himself mentally for slipping over such essential information.
“Lisa sold me out?” he looked up with furrowed brows, as Jungkook grudgingly started to fiddle with his shirt.
“Not really. It was me.”
“You what?!” yelled Jimin, then realized where he was so he went on at a more hushed volume. “How could you?! How did you even think… Damn it Jungkook, what the fuck?!”
The older grabbed the other’s shirt.
“Did you completely lose your mind?”
Jungkook locked Jimin’s wrist in his grasp, and forcefully tore the other off of his cloth.
“Yes, why not! Of the two of us, you are the one who freaking betrayed, not me! I just paid back the favor.”

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