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Later that week at the Foundation

Dr. Curtis's pov

I step out of my office and see Maegan sitting alone at the little round table next to my wife's desk. There are two empty tea cups and an untouched plate of petit fours set out so I know Liz went to make a pot of tea so she and Maegan could have a tea party. I smile watching Maegan practice sipping tea out of her empty teacup with her little pinky out and her legs swinging freely as she sits perched atop the tall chair.

Her back is to me so she's unaware I'm watching her. I can hear her softly singing a tune but I can't make out the words so I quietly step a little closer.

I smile listening to her cute squeaky little voice sing, "All dis candy dy lan, dy lan, oh." I continue to silently watch and listen until I hear this sweet little girl sing, "Go fucking cwazy, ah ya ya ya..."

"MAEGAN NICOLE!" I shout, scaring her as she drops the teacup, causing it to noisily clatter on the saucer when she turns to look at me. "What did I just hear come out of your mouth, little one?" I ask sternly.

Maegan just looks at me in shock before her bottom lip begins to quiver and she promptly bursts into tears. Taking pity on her, I rush to pick her up and shush her while bouncing her in my arms and rubbing her back.

"Shhhh, don't cry, sweetie. I'm sorry Papa scared you." I continue to bounce her gently until she calms down.

I sit down on the chair holding Maegan on my hip.

Wiping the tears from her red cheeks, I sternly say, "I don't ever want you to repeat what I just heard you singing a minute ago, Maegan. You know fucking is a bad word. Don't you?" Maegan nods sadly. Seeing her adorable little pout and hearing her quietly sniffle as fresh tears well in her eyes, I immediately soften my tone. "Where on earth did you hear that song, sweetheart?"

Maegan tries to respond as her breath hitches.

"A_unti_e Lisa a_a_nd A_untie J_J_Ju_lie let me w_watch on d_d_are(their) ph_ph_phones," she chokes out, amidst the tears.

Just then, my wife returns with the freshly brewed pot of tea. Seeing her grandbaby in tears, she hurriedly sets the teapot down on the table and scoops Maegan up from my lap, into her arms. Assuming I'm the cause of Maegan's misery, she glares at me accusingly.

Holding Maegan's head against her shoulder, she harshly whispers, "What's wrong with you? What in God's name did you do to her?"

"You best watch the tone you take with me, Mrs. Curtis. I do not appreciate being spoken to that way and certainly not by my wife." I furrowed my brow at her as I waited to hear an apology.

Maegan turned her head and stuck her thumb in her mouth as she looked curiously between my wife and I, trying to assess the situation unfolding before her. I could practically see the little wheels turning in her mind as she sucked slowly on her makeshift pacifier, her eyes intently processing our facial expressions and body language.

"I'm sorry, luv. I shouldn't have snapped at you," Liz apologized sincerely, as she patted Maegan on the back, attempting to further soothe her.

"Apology accepted, beautiful." I leaned in and softly kissed my wife on the lips.

Maegan scrunched up her face at our public display of affection.

"Ucky!" She shook her head and looked away.

Liz and I laughed at her antics. Looking at each other, simultaneously having the same thought, we each planted slobbery kisses on Maegan's cheeks, eliciting further cries of disgust from our cute little great grandbaby.

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