Higher power

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Stacey's dorm room

Stacey's pov

I held the pregnancy test in my hand and read the digital result out loud, "Pregnant."

Heather joined me in the bathroom to see for herself.

"Oh my God, Stacey! You're gonna have a baby. What are you gonna do?"

I was scared shitless right now. Hearing my roommate say I was gonna have a baby somehow seemed much worse than just being pregnant. My mouth hung open as I stared at Heather with a terrified look on my face.

"Fuck! Mike and Shane are going to kill me. How could I be so stupid to sleep with Sean when we were that drunk?" I looked at Heather hoping she'd have some words of reassurance for me.

Instead she said, "You have to tell Sean he's gonna be a father."

Sean! Oh my God, Sean. I didn't even think about how this is going to affect him. My life wasn't the only one that this news was going to change forever.

"Are you gonna keep it?" Heather asked quietly, afraid perhaps her question would offend me.

"I don't know, I guess. I mean, this is a lot to deal with right now. Just an hour ago my biggest worry was passing my econ test on Monday and now I'm faced with a literal life and death decision." I sat down on Heather's bed and buried my head in my hands. "What the Hell am I gonna do?" I asked softly, as I started to cry.

The next morning

Stacey's pov

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up curled in a ball on Heather's bed wearing the same clothes I had on yesterday. Heather was gone. Looking at the clock, I realized she must be in class. I had about an hour before my first class so I decided to take a shower and then head down to the cafe for some coffee. Wait, can I even have coffee since I'm pregnant? Isn't too much caffeine bad for the fetus? Ugghhh!!! I threw Heather's pillow across the room in frustration. I have no idea what I'm doing.

After my shower, I turned to the only source I could confide in; Google. I quickly learned from my search is coffee safe during pregnancy that the internet would provide me with every possible answer on the subject, including yes, no, maybe, and maybe not. I need to go home this weekend so I can talk to Dr. Evans but before I speak to her I'll need to consult a higher power and that's where I'll be headed right after my last class.

That evening at the Foundation

Stacey's pov

As soon as I arrive at the Foundation, I hesitantly head to Dr. Curtis's office to tell him I'm pregnant before I even let Mike or Shane know I came home for the weekend. I spent most of the drive home in tears as I thought about how difficult it's going to be to tell the most important men in my life that I'm having a baby.

"Stacey! What a wonderful surprise. I didn't know you were coming home this weekend!" Dr. Curtis's wife Liz smiles as she rushes to greet me.

"It was sort of a spur of the moment decision, Mrs. Curtis," I say, trying unsuccessfully to mask the sadness in my voice.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Mrs. Curtis pulls back from the warm hug she gave me to look me in the eyes. "Why have you been crying?"

"Would it be okay if you came into Dr. Curtis's office with me so I can tell you both at the same time?" I asked, cringing at how much I sounded like a little kid.

Patting my arm, she said, "Of course, sweetheart. Let me just pop my head in and see if he's free." After briefly speaking to her husband, Mrs. Curtis ushered me into his office.

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