Take a seat

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6:55am the next day, at the Foundation

Lisa's pov

When I arrived at the Foundation, unfortunately Dr. Curtis's wife Liz was away from her desk so I had to knock on his office door.

"Hi, Dr. Curtis," I replied nervously, when he ushered me in.

"Good morning, young lady. I appreciate your punctuality." Closing the door, I heard him say under his breath, "Obviously you get that from the Admiral."

I stood awkwardly in the middle of his office for a minute, waiting for direction.

"No need to be nervous. Take a seat, Lisa."

"I'd prefer to stand if that's alright." My butt was killing me. Sitting down sounded like pure torture right about now. I hate sleeping on my stomach so I'm a little bit irritable at this ungodly hour.

Dr. Curtis made me jump as he barked, "No it is not alright, young lady. If it was a choice I would have said take a seat or stand, whichever you prefer, but what I said was take a seat. NOW SIT!"

Dr. Curtis pointed to the chair across from his desk.

I immediately sat down, grimacing in pain as my tender thighs and bruised buttocks brushed against the rough fabric of his chair.

"Do not question my directives again and this is your one and only warning to address me properly." Dr. Curtis raised one eyebrow as he stared down at me. "I hold your guardians partially responsible for your disrespect." Turning his back to me, he added softly, "Well, one of them anyway."

"I apologize, sir, it won't happen again." He is one scary dude and I sure as Hell don't want to mess with him.

"Shall I assume you're aware of the reason for this visit?"

My heartrate doubled knowing I'll have to discuss my arrest with the man who can bring Mike to his knees with just one disapproving glance.

"Yes sir." I decided not to embellish any of my responses until absolutely necessary.

"I'd like an explanation, young lady." Dr. Curtis's tone made it very clear he would accept nothing less than a full confession.

After reciting my litany of sins in great detail, while my underarms and nether regions perspired profusely, Dr. Curtis visibly tensed in anger as he fought to keep his temper at bay. We sat in uncomfortable silence for several minutes as he appeared to be carefully weighing his options. I hoped and prayed Dr. Curtis wasn't going to spank me.

My heart dropped into my stomach when, as if reading my mind, he slowly withdrew his hard wooden paddle from his desk drawer and gently placed it atop his desk between us. He did this without taking his cold, dark eyes off me for even a second. I just now am realizing how quickly his eye color changes depending on his mood, transforming from the lovely hue of a translucent, blue ocean to the terrifying, blackness of a stormy sky in a fraction of a second.

Finally breaking the silence, Dr. Curtis asked me, "Lisa, have you ever heard the phrase, in business reputation is everything?" as he mindlessly ran two fingers over the smooth veneer across the length of the paddle.

"Yes sir," I replied timidly, scared to death knowing at any second he could grab that paddle, bend me over his desk and spank the shit out of me.

"Tell me what you think that means." Dr. Curtis slowly withdrew his fingers from the paddle, leaned back in his seat and folded his hands in front of him as he casually awaited my answer.

I swallowed a few times trying to combat my dry mouth, finally generating some saliva on the third try. I'm so nervous I'm going to say the wrong thing and then he'll pick up the paddle and...well, you know the rest.

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