You're a meanie

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Mike's room

Julie's pov

I closed my eyes tightly and tried to put a pleasant image in my mind but before I could get Chris Hemsworth's pants off, I heard Mike bark, "Answer me, Julie! Would you?" as he simultaneously shattered my daydream and my ability to sit when he slapped the belt against my sit spots so hard, I jumped.

Assuming his questions were all rhetorical, I had kept my mouth shut. I wasn't listening so I have a 50/50 chance of getting this right since I'm sure it was a yes or no question.

"No sir?" I guessed.

I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing I guessed correctly when Mike said, "No, you wouldn't and I wouldn't want that for you."

As hard as I tried to slip back into my daydream, I couldn't because each excruciating slap of leather on my delicate behind quickly brought me back to my current horrendously painful reality. Having my legs spread this far apart allowed the end of the belt to catch the inside of my thighs with each carefully placed stroke.

I don't think I've ever experienced a pain like this. It was like taking the most sensitive areas of your skin and making them ten times more sensitive, then burning them repeatedly with a hot iron. I'm not even sure I cried this hard that time Shane whipped me at the park, although that was a different kind of pain and come to think of it, that definitely hurt more, way more.

When Mike was through striping my bottom and thighs a fire engine red with that wretched belt, he began spanking me harshly with his hand.

"This is for mouthing off to Shane. You should certainly know better but if you've forgotten, let this serve as a painful reminder to hold your tongue next time you're tempted to disrespect him." Mike cupped my red hot buttcheeks firmly as he spoke. "No child of mine will get away with such blatant insolence. Do I make myself clear, young lady?"

As soon as I responded, "Yes sir," choking out my reply through fresh tears, Mike released his grip and snapped his wrist back delivering a wicked spank to my already thoroughly punished backside. Mike alternated squeezing my buttcheeks while he lectured, with slapping my ass firmly while awaiting my reply. After what felt like a lifetime, but was in reality only five minutes, Mike finally halted the assault on my burning backside.

I stayed bent over holding onto the chair even after Mike stopped spanking me. Fighting the urge to reach back and rub my cheeks, I just watched my tears fall as I silently cried, too afraid of the searing pain I'd feel by standing upright.

Mike's pov

After I finished spanking Julie, she remained bent over the chair as she cried. I gently rubbed her back and bottom, waiting for her to calm down.

"Daddy, please, please stop. Don't hurt me anymore, please. I'm sorry, daddy. Please," she pleaded quietly.

Hearing her plea, I stopped rubbing Julie's back as I stood frozen in shock. I know she called me daddy, I'm sure of it this time.

"You're okay, baby girl, your spanking is over. It's alright, I'm here," I said, choking up from emotion. I reached out to my daughter, trying to soothe her while ignoring the tears welling in my own eyes. Hearing her call me daddy, inexplicably breaks my heart.

Julie's pov

Mike finally took pity on me and physically pulled me up into the comfort of his muscular arms as he pressed me against his rock hard chest. I tried to stop my breath from hitching so I could inhale the familiar calming scent of his cologne. He held me close and rubbed my back for a long time until my crying slowed to light sniffling.

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