Uninvited guests

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Later that week at university

Stacey's pov

My roommate Heather and I were just chillin' in our dorm room before dinner when one of our friends down the hall poked her head in our doorway and said, "Hey, Stace, there's a guy fine as fuck downstairs askin' 'bout you."

I sat up on my bed, suddenly very interested in this bit o' news.


"Idk, he ain't a student here though cuz I would've noticed that hot piece of ass 'round campus."

"Oooh, let's go check out your thot," my roommate said, grabbing my arm and yanking me off my bed to follow our friend down to the lobby.

"SEAN! What are you doing here?" I said smiling, as I rushed to give him a hug. I couldn't help noticing how amazing he looked. I hate to admit it but I loved how my dormmates were drooling over him with lust in their eyes.

Sean smirked and replied, "Uh, I don't know. I have a couple days off from work and I just kinda got in the car and drove here cuz I really wanted to see you. I miss you, Stacey."

There was a sweet sadness in his voice that made my heart wrench. No cap, I got a little warm and wet between my thighs too. Goddamn, I swear he got even sexier, if that's possible, since I last saw him.

Before I knew what I was saying, the words, "I missed you too, Sean," slipped easily past my lips.

"University life obviously agrees with you, babe. You're even hotter than I remember." Sean held me as his hands moved precariously closer to traveling south of the border.

Afraid of where this was going, I instinctively distanced myself from my ex by taking a step back as I tried to get a grip on my surging hormones.

"You know, Sean, we're goin' to a party tonight at Sig Pi house. Wanna come?" my way-overstepping-her-bounds roommate Heather asked my ex. Ignoring the death glare I gave her, she smiled anxiously at Sean, awaiting his response.

"Oh, sorry," I said, momentarily forgetting my manners. "Sean, this is my roommate Heather and that's Bailey over there." Bailey was already talking to another group of girls from our dorm but she smiled and waved at Sean when she heard me say her name. Turning to my roommate, I completed the introductions, "Heather, this is my, uh, friend from highschool Sean." For some reason I really didn't want to refer to him as my ex but I'm not exactly sure why. Idk, I guess it just made it sound so final or something.

After Sean and Heather said their hellos, he responded to her invitation.

"Yeah, I'd like that," Sean replied, never taking his eyes off me. "The party I mean."

For some reason, I shyly looked down, avoiding his luscious chocolate brown eyes that I so easily get lost in.

"But only if it's okay with Stacey that is," Sean clarified.

Feeling both sets of eyes on me, I replied, "Yeah, sure. You drove this far afterall, so you might as well stay." What the Hell am I doing? I thought, knowing exactly how this was going to end, yet somehow still incapable of stopping the invitation from leaving my lips.

"I'm gonna stay at the Kappa house tonight so you can crash in our room, Sean," my so-gonna-get-smacked-next-time-we're-alone roommate offered ever so politely.

"Thank you, Heather," I sneered through my clenched jaw, making a slashing motion across my throat when Sean wasn't looking.

"It'll give us a chance to reminisce," Sean smiled coyly at me.

I bit my lower lip, sliding it slowly between my teeth as I pictured feeling my way through this situation later on if Sean and I took a trip down memory lane.

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