Objectionable content

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The girls' room at the NJC

Mike's pov

The girls are already at dinner waiting for me to join them but first I have to run by their room and grab my phone charger. I lent it to Stacey before they got their phones taken away and I need it tonight so Shane can call me when his flight lands. After searching fruitlessly for five minutes, I finally find it plugged in behind her bed, attached to a phone. Son of a bitch! This doesn't look like a burner phone so it must be one of her friend's.

As I'm scrolling through it trying to find the owner's identity, I see a video that catches my eye. After watching it, I'm mortified. What the Hell? Oh, these girls have some explaining to do. After I speak to Rick and Mindy, we're going to have a little talk.

First, I stopped by the cafeteria to tell the girls to eat without me as I have some unfinished business to attend to. After watching that video, I have zero appetite, especially knowing how uncomfortable the conversation I need to have with Rick and Mindy will be. Before leaving, I tell the girls to meet me in their room at 7:30pm.

After dinner in the girls' room at 7:30pm

Stacey's pov

"Sit down, ladies. I have something I'd like to discuss with the four of you," Mike said sternly.

It was obvious by his clenched jaw, strained tone of voice, and rigid posture that he was agitated with us but what wasn't clear was why, not yet anyway. After we were seated, he held up a phone and started to bring the purpose of this meeting to light.

"I was trying to figure out whose phone this was since I confiscated each of yours on senior ditch day..." Before continuing, Mike held the phone up to me so I could see what was on the screen, "when I stumbled across a video with some very objectionable content."

Oh shit, it was the video we took in the woods of me spanking Mindy.

"There are so many things wrong with what I saw on this video, I'm honestly at a loss for words, girls." Mike shook his head in disbelief as he stared at the floor and rubbed the back of his neck out of frustration. "Carrie and Lisa, I want to know what part the two of you played in this fiasco." Mike shot them a look that demanded an immediate response and an honest one at that.

"I lured Mindy into the woods. I knew she would follow me there, so I set the trap," Lisa confessed nervously, while avoiding Mike's harsh glare.

Mike walked over to where she sat on her bed.

Bending down to her level, he calmly said, "I completely understand why you're avoiding looking me in the eye as you should be extremely ashamed of your actions..." Mike tilted her chin up to meet his ice cold gaze, "but the next time I have to remind you of the proper way to address me when you're in trouble, I'll do so with the aid of my belt. Understand?"

Lisa swallowed hard before maintaining eye contact and meekly replying, "Yes sir." Mike scared the Hell out of all of us when he was this livid. We never feared him more than when he was too angry to yell.

"Is that the extent of your part in this?" Mike questioned Lisa again, to make sure she didn't leave anything out.

Making sure to look him in the eye, Lisa replied, "Yes sir."

Now looking at my baby sister, Mike questioned, "What part if any did you play in this, Carrie?"

"I, uh, FaceTimed Mindy so she would overhear Julie and Stacey so I, uh, guess I kinda set her up to put the plan in motion." Carrie looked extremely ashamed as she started to cry. She hated disappointing Mike. "I'm really sorry, I know I..."

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