Before we face the music

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At the NJC

Stacey's pov

"Before we go back in there and face the music, I want you to tell me something," I said in a very serious tone, looking directly at Sean.

"Yeah sure, anything, babe," he replied, stepping closer. Rubbing my stomach, he said, "Afterall, you have my baby in there." He looked up at me smiling.

I was honestly so relieved he wasn't angry at me and pissed about this pregnancy. Putting my hand atop his as it rested on my stomach, I garnered the nerve to continue.

"I want you to tell me what Mike and Dr. Curtis said to you that day in his office when you came to see me after I was grounded for so long. You know, a few months before we broke-up." Sean and Mike had refused to tell me what happened during their private meeting that day and I never had the guts to dare ask Dr. Curtis but whatever was said in there effectively ended our relationship. I feel like I have a right to know, especially now since we're going to be having a baby together.

"Oh, that." Sean immediately tensed up and pulled away from me.

I didn't say anything, I just looked at him with pleading eyes as I patiently waited for him to continue.

Rubbing the back of his neck and shifting nervously as he avoided my gaze, Sean mumbled, "Uh, Mike said if I ever touched you again he would cut my dick off and shove it down my throat."

My eyes immediately widened in surprise. I can't believe he said that to him. Sean looked at me in surprise as I started laughing, amused by the absurdity of Mike's threat.

"And you believed him?" I asked incredulously, still shaking my head in bewilderment picturing that scene.

Sean looked quite offended by my reaction as he tried to justify his point of view.

"They looked pretty serious, Stacey. Dr. Curtis was even sharpening a knife while Mike had a tight grip on my shirt as he shoved me up against the wall."

He was getting annoyed with me as I continued to chuckle, downplaying the seriousness of the events that took place in Dr. Curtis's office that day.

"It's not funny, Stacey, I was really afraid they would hurt me." Sean was clearly butt hurt I wasn't embracing the credibility of my guardian's threat, while simultaneously invalidating his feelings.

Trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably, I apologized, "I'm sorry, babe, I just can't believe you let them get in your head like that. I mean, is that seriously why you were afraid to touch me after that?"

"Yeah!" Sean replied emphatically, trying to save face. "I don't think you realize how scary as fuck they can be."

Seeing the look of 'really?' on my face, Sean reluctantly relented, "Ok, maybe you do know how scary they can be but I was honestly terrified they would hurt me so I backed off."

"Backed off?" I scoffed. "You would barely even kiss me after that let alone be with me." My voice softened. "That really hurt, Sean, thinking you didn't want me anymore," I admitted sadly.

"Babe, I never stopped wanting you. I just thought..." Sean looked away as his voice cracked. "I just thought you were better off without me cuz they told me not to hold you back, to let you succeed in college." Sean looked so hurt, it broke my heart. "And I mean, I guess they were right. Look what happened." He gestured toward my belly. "I did ruin your chances at succeeding in college."

College, oh my gosh! I didn't really think about what this pregnancy meant as far as finishing school but obviously Sean's right. I mean, this changes everything. I can't be away at school when I give birth and I certainly can't raise a newborn on campus in my dormroom.

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