Grown-up time

911 29 11

Sean's apartment

Stacey's pov

As I turned around I saw Sean down on one knee holding out a ring box.

Dropping the bottle of barbecue sauce, which was plastic thank God, I stammered in shock asking, "Oh my God Sean! W_w_what are you d_d_doing?"

He opened the ring box showing me a beautiful silver engagement ring with a shiny square shaped diamond.

Sean's pov

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Sean's pov

Nervous as Hell and starting to sweat, I shakily held the ring box out while on one knee and asked, "Stacey Marie Donovan (Carrie and Stacey took Shane's last name while Julie and Lisa took Mike's), will you marry me?"

While I was away these past two months waiting for my jaw to heal, I had a lot of time to think and work, for that matter. After just a week, I realized how much I missed Stacey and Maegan and how I couldn't imagine my life without them. I didn't want to picture my life without them. I love Stacey. I've always loved Stacey. From that first night we sat in Memorial Park sharing McDonald's, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and now if it's even possible, I love our baby girl Maegan even more.

I worked as much as I could while I was recuperating to save money for a ring for Stacey. When I realized I'd never be able to afford the kind of ring she deserved, I swallowed my pride and asked my step-dad to loan me the money. Surprisingly, he obliged without argument or complaint. I have a feeling my mom might have had something to do with his more than accommodating response as she was overjoyed I planned on asking Stacey to marry me.

My mom always liked Stacey so she ragged on me mercilessly for weeks after we broke up. She was beyond thrilled when we announced Stacey's pregnancy, certainly not the usual response from a soon to be grandma whose unmarried, college-aged son was about to become a father. I've never seen my mom so happy as the day Maegan was born and she got to hold her precious granddaughter in her arms. Hmmm, hopefully she was just as thrilled when she had me but no matter, now it'll be all about planning the wedding, if Stacey says yes that is.

Stacey's pov

My mouth is hanging open in complete and utter shock. Sean is actually on one knee proposing to me right now. I don't know what to think. This is incredible, unbelievable, and oh my god, that ring is gorgeous. How could he possibly afford a ring like that? It's amazing. Focus, Stacey, focus, I admonished myself. This is a huge decision that will affect not only me for the rest of my life, but my daughter, our daughter, as well.

I never stopped having feelings for Sean when we broke up. I mean, I admit at first the attraction was purely physical but once I got to know Sean, I mean really got to know him, I fell in love with him. At the time I didn't know it was love. I was young. Hell, I'm still young. I've just been forced to grow up now for the sake of my daughter. I guess I just convinced myself our relationship was based on teenage hormones and immature lust fueled decisions. Who knows what love is at fifteen, or even eighteen, or twenty-one, for that matter? I mean some people probably do but I didn't know it then, I do now however.

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