A few calls

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Neil's pov

Three phone calls later, I knew exactly where Lisa and Carrie went to seek asylum. Fearing persecution from their "brutal" parental regime, they ran straight to their second oldest sister.

Mike's pov

"Michael, you need to think before you speak. Did you consider how disastrous the outcome could have been if Lisa actually ran away? Did you even stop to think of what could have happened if she had taken off on foot? What if she attempted to hitchhike, or left in the middle of the night to wander the streets looking for a ride or a place to stay? It's bad enough she took Carrie with her, now we have two of them running loose." Neil paced in front of me as he lectured, his tone and posture clearly indicating how agitated he was with my poor decisions.

"Lisa's eighteen years old, for chrissake. The law may consider her an adult but she's far from grown up. You're her guardian, Michael. She looks at you as a father. Don't you understand how she must have felt being abandoned for the second time by the most important man in her life? How could you do that to her, Michael? She's just a child, for God's sake, your child. How could you turn your back on her at a time in her life when it's more important than ever for a girl to have a strong male role model whom she can trust and look up to?" Neil's face was flushed. He became louder and more animated as he continued to scold me.

"You're right, Neil. I know I screwed up and I'm sorry. As soon as we find out where she is, I'll bring her home and we'll talk things through." I feel so sad and defeated.

"First, you know better than to address me by my first name when you're being admonished," Neil's tone was razor sharp.

"Yes sir, I apologize," I said, trying to appease him.

Sadly shaking his head, Neil scoffed, "Honestly, Michael."

I can't blame him. I really should know better after all these years.

"Secondly, I know you're feeling sorry for yourself right now. Knock it off or I'll give you a very credible reason to feel that way. We need to focus on Lisa now. You will face your consequences at a later time."

A chill traveled down my spine upon processing Neil's threat.

"Lastly, you made a very unwise decision, Michael David, and now you need to rectify the situation." Neil pointed his finger in my face as he scowled at me.

"That sounds painful," I mumbled under my breath.

"I can easily arrange that, Michael. Do not test, nor tempt me, young man. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir." I have no doubt Neil could make good on his threat. I've experienced it firsthand more times than I care to remember.

Frowning at me, he continued, "You do know what's going to happen if she can't count on you or Shane to guide, love, and protect her. Don't you?"

As I continued staring at my hands in my lap, I didn't realize Neil had stopped pacing and asking rhetorical questions as he was now standing right in front me, actually awaiting my answer.

Neil roughly grabbed my chin, forcing me to face his piercing stare. I always feel about five years old when he looks at me this way.

"I'm speaking to you, Michael. If you're not going to listen, the least you could do is make eye contact to feign some semblance of respect." Neil released his grip, letting my head drop as he turned his back to me.

Sighing, he slowly turned around, facing me with his hands on his hips. Brushing his suit coat back, he continued to chide me.

"If she can't count on you, she'll turn to the first older man who shows her the slightest bit of attention or affection to fill that void. Whether he's doing it for the right reasons or not, regardless of his motives, she'll turn to him. Is that what you want for her, Michael? Or do you want to give her the confidence and self esteem to be a strong independent woman so she doesn't seek out daddy's approval from the first horny forty-year-old to look her direction?" Neil narrowed his gaze, indicating I better respond respectfully and right quick.

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