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Shane's room at the NJC

Julie's pov

"If you can protest and beg me to stop, young lady, you can count the stroke and recite your line as expected." Shane was using his military commanding officer voice which meant one more argument out of me and he'd add on penalty strokes. "Do I need to repeat that stroke, Julie Elizabeth?" he scolded.

Knowing I better comply or my backside would pay the price, I cooperated saying, "Three, I'm sorry I lied to you, sir."

Letting his civilian humanity override his rigid soldier mentality, Shane removed his arm from around my waist and pried my fingers from his twisted, wrinkled bedsheets.

Holding each of my hands in his large palm, he said, "Go ahead and squeeze, luv."

I'm surprised I didn't break any of his fingers, as tightly as I gripped his hand when he delivered the last two brutal strokes of his belt. They punished the same area of my sit spots but were twice as hard as any of the previous ones.

After counting the last stroke and reciting my apology, I practically tackled Shane in a hug as I interlaced my fingers at the back of his neck and sobbed into his chest saying, "I'm sorry, Shane," over and over.

"It's okay. I'm done spanking you, luv. You're forgiven," Shane whispered in my ear, as he sat me on his lap and held me while he stroked my hair.

He held me in that position for a long time, rocking me gently and comforting me. Normally, I'm not this fragile or distraught after a spanking but for some reason my emotions have been amp'ed, running high since yesterday morning.

Once I had stopped crying and started falling asleep in his arms, Shane patted my still bare bum and said, "Come on, luv, let's find your shorts and panties so you can go back to your room and get ready for bed."

I was too worn out and my bottom burned too much to care that I was still half naked in front of Shane and had been all the while I was sat upon his lap. I didn't let go of Shane as he tried to stand up, instead I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Come on, luv," he said again, patting my sore bum.

"Nahhnnnn," I whined in protest, as I tightened my grip, still hanging on his neck. "Carry me," I pouted.

Shane chuckled at the overgrown baby in his arms.

"Let's at least get your underwear on, luv," he said, holding one arm under my bum and the other on my back as he searched the room for my panties that I kicked off during my spanking.

"Nooooo," I said in a childish whine, still pouting. "Don't want them."

Shane laughed.

"Is that so?" he asked, feeling the heat on his hand as he carefully patted my naughty red bum. "Now why would that be?"

"Hurts," is all I said, as I snuggled against his shoulder.

"Well, remember that the next time you're tempted to misbehave." Shane grinned, tapping my bottom in warning. Picking up my shorts and underwear from beneath his bed, he carried me back to my room.

My sisters weren't terribly surprised to see me arrive being held by Shane with my well spanked bottom on display. We'd all been there a time or two. Shane set me down in the bathroom.

"You need to brush your teeth, then straight to bed, sweetheart."

I whined but nodded my head in agreement. Standing in front of the mirror with my t-shirt half covering my butt, I turned to Shane, with my toothbrush in my mouth, when I heard him call my name.

The Revelationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें