Drop it

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At the NJC

Shane's pov

"Have either of you heard from Sean?" Stacey asked Mike and I at dinner, after her cousin and sisters had left.

"No, sweetheart. Why?" Mike answered her.

"Well his mom and roommate keep calling me to check if I've heard from him 'cause they haven't seen or talked to him in four days. His boss said he took some time off. I haven't talked to him either and Maegan misses her dad." Stacey pulled her onto her lap, handing her a sippy cup with juice. "You guys were the last people to see him that day you both went with Dr. Curtis to talk to him at the autoshop."

Stacey put Maegan's sippy cup down and snuggled her close, patting her back as my sweet grandbaby yawned, her eyes drooping as she started to fall asleep.

"Why don't you let me put her down," Mike said, taking her from Stacey's arms.

After Mike left with Maegan, I looked at Stacey and said, "I'm sure Sean's fine, luv, no need to worry." I took a sip of my tea.

"Shane, what happened that day? What did you guys do to him?" Stacey was genuinely concerned.

"Drop it, Stacey," I replied sternly, giving her a look indicating I wasn't making a suggestion.

"Shane, just tell me where he is."

"Stacey Marie, I told you to drop it and I meant it. Do not make me repeat myself." I stood up to leave. "Sean was taught a lesson and that's all you need to know. This conversation is over."

When I got to my bedroom, I texted Sean, telling him to let Stacey, his mother and his roommate know that he was at a friend's house helping him out for a couple months and he was fine.

Stacey's pov

Coincidentally, shortly after Shane left, I received a text from Sean letting me know he was helping a friend out for the next month or so and he was sorry he was out of touch but they'd been working some long grueling shifts at odd hours. He said he missed me and Maegan like crazy and he'd be home as soon as possible.

Sean's pov

After texting Stacey, I texted my mom and roommate to let them know I was okay but not to expect to hear from me much in the next six weeks because I'd be keeping some pretty strange hours while helping my friend. I hated lying to Stacey and my mom, my roommate Steve, not so much. There was just no way I could let them see me like this and the doctor who wired my jaw shut said it would take almost two months to heal.

I've honestly never been so frightened in my life as I was the night Shane, Mike, and Dr. Curtis dragged me into the woods. At first when they showed up at the autoshop and I saw Shane wearing that holster with the revolver tucked into it, I thought it was all just for show. I mean, I figured they were just trying to scare me a little to make a point.

I didn't start to think they would actually do anything to me until they made me tell my boss I needed to take some time off. When they dragged me into the middle of the woods I got even more nervous. Seeing that freshly dug grave was the icing on the cake though. I seriously wondered at that point if I would make it out of there alive. I guess I got off easy with just a broken jaw, although I don't think I deserved it.

I never meant to hurt Stacey. It was just a really bad trip. I don't normally dabble in the psychedelics. I mean I'll do a shroom here or there but I couldn't pass up the LSD when my buddy threw it in as a bonus for the last deal we made. Usually, I just stick to pot and E because crack, heroine, and meth are too hardcore for me. The night I got a little too rough with Stacey was just cuz of the drugs. I would never hit her like that on purpose and I certainly would never hurt Maegan. Now I need to make sure everyone knows that when I get back.

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