I'm sure we are

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At the NJC

Julie's pov

I can't believe my cousin is married, I mean actually married, like she has in-laws and everything. I guess now she, Maegan, and Sean are officially their own little family. I'm scared for her having all these responsibilities as a wife and mother now but I'm also really happy for her. I know she and Sean love each other and they both love Maegan even more.

I just wish Mike and Shane could be happy for them too. Maybe happy is too far of a reach. I'd even settle for tolerant at this point. I've seen how sad and stressed out my cousin gets when they bad mouth Sean. Their contempt towards him didn't go unnoticed by anyone at the wedding or the reception in the church basement. I don't think either one of them noticed the pained look on Stacey's face every time they insulted or ignored Sean but my sisters and I sure did. I think it's high time one of us did something about it, so that's what I'm gonna do.

I found Shane and Mike watching sports on tv in one of the common rooms. Standing in front of them, blocking their view of the screen, I tried to garner their attention.

"Hey! We were watching that," Shane complained, trying to see around me.

"Calm down, it's just cricket. What are you afraid you're going to miss something? Spoiler alert, it's boring," I sneered, placing my hands on my hips to accentuate the attitude.

Wanting to head off this argument in the making, Mike asked, "To what do we owe the sudden unexpected pleasure of your company, darlin'?" in his attempt to steer the conversation to another subject.

"You're both wrong, ya know."

"I'm sure we are, sweetheart, but about what?" Mike responded in his disinterested, deadpan sarcastic tone that emphasizes his superiority complex.

"You don't have to protect Stacey from Sean. He's not the bad guy you make him out to be."

"He's hurt your cousin before. What's to say he won't do it again?" Shane chimed in.

"He won't," I stated confidently.

"It's our job as your guardians to ensure he doesn't." It was obvious I hit a nerve based on the steely determination in Shane's voice.

"Julie's right. You're being completely unreasonable in your treatment of Sean," Carrie brazenly put in her two cents, as she stood in the doorway. Apparently my baby sister had the same thought I did as we hadn't planned this conjoined attack ahead of time.

"How we treat Sean is none of your concern. That goes for both of you." Mike pointed at my baby sister and I in warning.

"YES, IT IS OUR CONCERN!" Carrie stated emphatically, raising her voice as she fully entered the room to take her stand.

"Excuse me!" Mike said, in his all too familiar, clearly irritated tone, indicating he was not amused one of his daughters chose to argue against one of his proclamations.

"Sean is our brother-in-law and the father of our niece so how you treat him is most assuredly our business."

Wow! Where did that come from? I thought to myself, as Carrie is never one to brazenly contradict our guardians. And with such sass. You go girl.

"I strongly suggest you check your attitude, luv, as I'm not happy with the tone you're taking with us," Shane reprimanded my baby sister. "We don't need to justify our position when it comes to that twit your sister married." Shane was on his feet now as he confronted Carrie. "We are not having this discussion, young lady, so the both of you best be on your way before the need to warm your bottoms arises. Understood?"

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