9 | Sabotage (II)

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The sirtya dropped them straight into a battlefield

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The sirtya dropped them straight into a battlefield.

Or at least a vestige of it. It didn't take long for Xanthy to realize there was a battle going on based on the sounds of explosion, yells of aggression, and the clash of wooden shields against each other.

Xanthy and June materialized in the middle of the chaos, dodging kicking feet and swinging weapons. Jonadrin. They needed to find Jonadrin. The Dwanzeig heir had been her focus when she transported them via the sirtya. Looked like he was somewhere in this melee.

Xanthy pushed herself up, ducked, and kicked a random armored person on the unguarded shin as she tore through the crowd. Her eyes spotted black-clad figures carrying metal batons clashing against fairies with pointy ears dressed in green armor fashioned from tree barks and large leaves with shields which looked like they were torn from nearby trees.

The black-fitted people pushed the green-dressed fairies south. The green fairies were being herded somewhere...

Xanthy turned, pushing a fairy or two out of the way. She didn't care what side they were on. She tore forward with June's silent presence falling into step behind her. Occasionally blasting a fairy who tried attacking her, Xanthy kept her eyes peeled for a tall, male, nature fairy with long green hair and wicked, killer heels. They were in some sort of a grove leading to somewhere hidden...and important.

Trees have fallen. Some were strewn across a wide, cobbled pavement that led north, serving as obstacles to jump past for the nature fairies and the black-clad people alike. Others were snapped from their stumps and left to lean against the next standing tree. Holes peppered most of the trunks flanking the grove.

Fire, no doubt from cast spells, devoured the forest life from the floor and licked the grass and some fallen branches as it crawled. It's like Seravel's throne found them here. The air smelled of slick blood, soot, and sweat. Xanthy waved her hands in front of her face several times to be able to see clearly because of the thick fog.

Her throat itched and her eyes watered. There's something in the smoke. She coughed into the crook of her arm and pushed forward. Jonadrin. Find Jonadrin. June was silent behind her but he was there. After yesterday, there's something within the both of them which became apparent. Xanthy could now sense where he was, what he was thinking, and most importantly, if he's alive or not.

For now, he was. He was keeping track of her movements and doing his best to follow.

Who are we looking for? June's thought speared through Xanthy's mind much like how Ravalee's once did. That thought twisted her gut more than she let it. Ravalee made her choice. You know that, he added.

Xanthy shook her head, her throat constricting. Yeah, of course, she exhaled through her mouth and glanced northeast. We're looking for Jonadrin. Look for long, green hair or really tall heels.

You sure we're not looking at him now?

Xanthy was about to point out they weren't anywhere near the Dwanzeigian heir when something flashed at the corner of her eye. She dodged too late. A sword point cut a line across her cheek. Then, as she stumbled backwards, a figure stepped in front of her and parried another strike just in time.

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