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How many times had he told himself to stop twiddling his fingers over the course of his conversation with Denara? Nyxis lost count hours ago

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How many times had he told himself to stop twiddling his fingers over the course of his conversation with Denara? Nyxis lost count hours ago. The nymph glanced at the rays of the rising sun creeping into the cave. "So a throne connects each and every soul to the Arbotro," she cocked her head to the side. "What are Cardovia and Synketros collecting them for?"

The memory of that conversation surfaced in his mind. "Xanthy only told me they need the thrones to get into Parkane."

Denara's face clouded at the mention of the Arbotro's abode but it vanished before Nyxis could form a question regarding it. She sighed. "What do you need me for?"

"We need all the help we can get, Denara," Nyxis said, taking everything in him to look at the Nymph in her orange eyes. He found them searching his as their gazes locked. "That, and I cannot just leave you here. I did promise to get you out."

"I remember," Denara bit her lip. "I thought it was the medicine talking."

Nyxis snorted and touched his chest. "Ouch."

Denara elbowed him playfully. "I am joking," the sparkle in her eyes was replaced with urgency almost as if the former didn't exist. "What can I even do up there? It is not like I am a whole army."

"You are, in a way," Nyxis said. "Plus, I have seen you control water better than any water sprite could. You can take on a trained air sprite and win. That is someone we need right now."

"Air sprites?" Denara frowned when Nyxis confirmed it with a curt nod. "Are you expecting me to fight creatures I am not familiar with? That would be a disaster. In battle, it is best if we know who we are fighting so we can devise the best way to neutralize them."

The way Denara said neutralize made Nyxis glad he had more chances in winning Denara to their side and not as their enemy. He masked his discomfort with a slight chuckle. "Look at you, giving war advice already," he teased.

"It is the simplest rule in the tome," she rolled her eyes. "Besides, I am not a commander. If I am to go with you aboveground, I will be a one-woman machine and I am bound to get tired."

Nyxis pursed his lips. He decided to take on a different route with this discussion. He channeled his inner politics tutor and fixed his face to not show he was desperate. "Look, Denara, I know you wanted to avoid this battle at all costs and I would too considering you have a nice cave right here," he began. Sympathy and flattery, check. "But the world above you is dying, literally," Nyxis spread his hands. Guilt, check. Now, the facts. Bring it closer to home. "Have you felt as if nature is dying? Because it is. The Heiress and the Sovereign are doing something to rob the whole island of its natural and magical resources. Even if you do not fight, the fight will go to you. You would not survive without nature...and magic."

The lines in Denara's face deepened as she stared at nothing. She was thinking. Now, when was he able to read Denara this well? Hmm. How about never? Nyxis didn't need to add to his argument but they both knew what would happen when the island drains completely of magic. Nothing would survive. Umazure would turn into a barren wasteland which the other races could occupy and fight about.

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