16 | Pride (I)

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2412, Diori 20, Reshpe

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2412, Diori 20, Reshpe

Xanthy trudged across the dark earth. Earlier, she got back to the fortress to realize the enemy had taken over the outer quadrant and declared victory for the day despite having half of their men razed to the ground as soon as Xanthy was able to tear her attention away from the flying island.

Tomorrow, perhaps she could bring down that airborne monstrosity. But today, she's too late.

Her chest tightened. Was it from the exhaustion cramping her muscles, the dread she had been feeling since setting foot on the fortress, or because the air they breathe was being siphoned off its source to power the people she had been fighting against? It's hard to know these days.

Still, she walked in an attempt to find some vestige of butterbread. She needed something to distract her from thoughts of impending doom running around in her mind. June wasn't with her at this moment as Geradine had pulled him away over dinner. Whatever that was about was none of Xanthy's concern. Let him receive his orders. Xanthy needed her butterbread.

She tramped towards the gate to the center quadrant when she noticed Reeca sitting beside the sacks of cloth by the infirmary with a vacant look in her face. What happened? She still has to listen to the daily report happening in about an hour. She had never seen the varichria dejected.

Something bad must have happened.

Xanthy debated going or not. Through the months of knowing Reeca, Xanthy had come to understand Reeca has a tendency to snob people when she's in a bad mood. Seemingly in a sour disposition herself, Xanthy knew better than to add oil into her own flame.

She paused her walk and stared at her friend for a while. People flitted on about, carrying on with their usual tasks. Past the sea of faces and bodies, Xanthy caught a glimpse of Reeca through small gaps but even those temporary gaps revealed something Xanthy thought she'd never see again.

Grief and a person's attempt to understand it.

Xanthy was no stranger to that emotion. She'd had her fair share. Reeca was in its place now and Xanthy hesitated.

Reeca had betrayed her, lied to her. Then, the varichria had acted like a douche throughout the time they had been together in this fortress. She never showed regret nor the willingness to apologize. Would Xanthy still help a person like that?

Her answer leaped to the surface of her mind, enough to drive her to start walking again. This time, Xanthy aimed for her friend.

Reeca received the news of her brother's death the moment they retreated to the inner quadrant. Geradine sealed the gates and ordered the earth sprites to raise the walls higher and the ice sprites to fortify it. The commander found Reeca looking for her brother in the throng of people who made it inside the inner quadrant and with one look from Geradine, Reeca knew.

Reeca knew this day would eventually come. She thought she was prepared for it. This was war. All of them would be considered fortunate if they make it out alive. Rhys was...

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