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The sea was cruel and unforgiving as it slammed into a flimsy raft. The wood broke into two and an elf fell into the raging water. With weak hands, he gripped the wooden remnants floating on the surface. The wind howled, pronouncing judgment upon him. The gray skies had never looked so menacing.

A coward. That's what he was. Why did he think that running away would save him?

The water rose in an angry wave and sped towards him. A whimper escaped his lips as he closed his eyes and prepared for impact. Tons of water slammed into him. His fingers slipped from the wood. He went under.

Saltwater assaulted his nostrils as he flailed about, looking for the promised light. Darkness swallowed him as much as the water did. His heart hammered in his chest. Panic rose to his throat and he forgot how to swim for a second.

He won't die here. Gritting his teeth and kicking his legs, he narrowed his eyes and shot upward against the current. His fingers gripped wood. It took everything in him to haul himself up. Overhead, the sea had gone insane. Thunder boomed and lightning lashed. The elf suppressed a whimper and looked back.

The mass of land that once had been his home was now a strip of dark shadow on the horizon. He didn't deserve to go back, not after what he has done. Memories flashed into his mind as he remembered every event that led up to...here. Perhaps, dying at sea was only rightful for him.

What was he even trying to prove? He hadn't even fulfilled his goal. Those heathens tricked him into playing along with their plan. He shouldn't have...

Another wave slammed into him. He grunted as he tightened his hold on the broken raft. His legs had already gone numb. He prayed to every god he knew of as water threatened to tear him from his salvation. Please. Not his fingers too.

The wave passed. The elf shivered as he draped both arms on the raft. He panted as his eyes started to shut. The current was taking him somewhere.

Where... One glance at the sparkling heavens told him where he would end up once the storm was over.

Umazure. The Land of the Fairies. Killer of Elves.

He back-paddled. No, go back. He must go back. He couldn't—

Another wave slammed into him and swept him away from the raft. No! The water swallowed him. You shall not escape, it seemed to be roaring against him. He flailed and kicked his legs. Then, he remembered he couldn't move his legs anymore. Oh, gods. Someone, anyone—help! He opened his mouth to scream but only salt water filled it. He gurgled.

The current took charge of his body as he sank. Not that island, please! He knew what fate awaited him on that island. He may have succeeded in getting away from one hell but he wasn't ready to go into another. They would kill the likes of him there. He would not go there.

The sea had other ideas. It sent another wave against him. He fought with all his might to end up anywhere other than that place. His vision blackened. He tried moving his arms but even they were ravaged by the cold.

The last thing he saw before the depths consumed him was the Crimson Lady. She glared down at him like a foreshadowing. He used the last of his energy to extend his arm to the sky. Just once, he wished he could have tasted it like he always dreamed of.

His consciousness faded and a thought escaped his mind.

Maris, Caryn. I'm sorry.

 I'm sorry

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