10 | Change (II)

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Nyxis awoke to Cyrdel wiping ice shards off his face

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Nyxis awoke to Cyrdel wiping ice shards off his face. When Nyxis first opened his eyes, all he saw were endless blue so he closed them again. He waited for his vision to clear up and felt his limbs. He had never felt this good in such a long time. Well, in all honesty, all his life. There was something new in him he couldn't quite place. Somehow, he was stronger and he has...

He gasped as he shot upright. Denara lay passed out next to him. He closed his eyes and reached inside him again. There it was. His synnavaim. Where his past internal probes presented him with a black void inside his soul, it now was bright and not empty. His soul pulsed in waves of magic as it adjusted in its new state. This was...a new feeling.

That's when Nyxis noticed Cyrdel looking at them with raised eyebrows. "What in the world did you hit me with?" the brownie crossed his arms. He missed a few icicles which froze his eyebrows.

"I don't know," Nyxis responded in perfect Keijula. Wait, what?

Cyrdel's eyes almost popped off their sockets. "Holy Nira," he cursed as he gripped his hair. "What happened to you?"

As an answer, Nyxis held up his palms and summoned a little of his new-found magic. He succeeded in making a few snowflakes form and swirl by his palm. Cyrdel acted like he saw his great-great-grandma come back to life. He pointed an accusing finger at Nyxis. "T-that wasn't just possible," he said. "A h-human with a synnavaim—wait, what are you?"

Nyxis turned his hand over and back again. "I guess I'm an ice sprite now," he looked up at Cyrdel and grinned. "No longer human."

Denara chose that time to stir and groan. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. The first thing she noticed was the destruction around her. Pointed icicles hung from the roof of the cave. Patches of the wall were lined with soot. Cracks spread in thin webs on the floor. Also, they were sitting in the midst of three inches of water which somehow made it inside the cave system.

Nyxis blinked. Denara laughed in wonder and staggered up. Nyxis followed her. Since he didn't really know what Denara was before she became a nymph, he held his breath as he lowered his gaze into the trail dimension to look at her trail.

What he found was beyond his comprehension.

Denara was a sprite—that much was clear and judging from the characteristics of her most prominent trail—but judging from other colors twirling, shooting off, and clinging to it, it's almost like she was...

"All four sprites?" Nyxis blurted just as Denara conjured a mound of clay into her palms, spooking Cyrdel further. The brownie sputtered and edged against the wall only to yelp at how cold it was.

Denara smiled at Nyxis, the brightest she ever gave him. "Six," she summoned fire into her hands this time. "There are six types of sprites and it seems like I have a reach into all their abilities."

Nyxis laughed along with her without anything funny even being said. "Well, it seems like I was right about coming to you," he said. "You could level an entire plain with just your magic."

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