11 | Camp (II)

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Reeca muttered to herself as she ran a stone against a prong's leg, sharpening it

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Reeca muttered to herself as she ran a stone against a prong's leg, sharpening it. The whole day had sucked from when she hadn't gotten to drink her gallberry coffee. She spent the rest of the afternoon consulting Trix on how they should deal with the flying island Canelis described. It's the only way she could distract herself from thinking the unnecessary thoughts plaguing her mind since the battle started.

The brownie mechanic hummed to herself by the forge's counter, preparing the molded prongs for Reeca to sharpen. These weapons were made from dwarven metal Canelis had brought back in plenty from their mission three days ago.

When presented with the report of their enemies' defense-slash-offense tool, at first, Reeca felt like laughing out loud and accusing the pixie of smoking oshella. Then, she remembered that one—pixies were bound by a sacred oath to never lie if it matters, and two—Canelis wasn't the type to smoke oshella.

The reason why nobody had seen footmen anywhere in the vicinity was that the Heiress had been hovering above them all this time. Canelis also concluded the reason their enemies prioritized the barrier was to assure their victory by simply swooping down and taking over the fortress. That way, they would ultimately lose a few men on their side and cost Reeca's much.

The Heiress was gearing for a total surrender by dangling the threat of saving lives in front of them. Reeca would not give their enemies an opportunity to demand that so she proposed a dangerous plan.

Bring down the flying island itself.

It sounded so simple but when they consulted Trix, the brownie told them the flying island was modeled after Falkirta, the floating city of the Air Sprites. According to Canelis, it's the ultimate defense tactic since it could shoot fairies out of the sky like a hunter shooting for game. It's also a good offense tactic since it has the aerial advantage and perhaps, the surprise factor on their side. In order to bring it down, they would have to figure out how to bring down Falkirta itself.

Reeca didn't feel good about this flying island at all. How had the Heiress managed to bring about a work of magic of this scale? It must have cost a ton of magic to raise and maintain. Then, the realization struck her brain, making her stomach sink to her feet.

That's why they needed to mine the magic from the island's heart.

How annoying and inconvenient.

After Trix had devised a sound plan on how to deal with the flying island when it descended upon them, Reeca volunteered to sharpen the prongs just to distract herself. The plan would be to launch these towards the base of the flying island, hopefully corroding the magic mechanisms underneath like how those harpoons collapsed the barrier with just their coated tips.

Hours passed and Trix continued making more as she hummed a song which sounded nowhere familiar to Reeca. Truthfully, she hasn't got much time to listen to fairy troupes with the island going extinct while she's in it.

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