13 | Refusal (I)

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Dinner that night was held on the center quadrant

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Dinner that night was held on the center quadrant. Rations were distributed consisting of one fairy potion each. Those who couldn't survive on potions alone were offered fruits and preserved meat that their foragers managed to bring back.

Xanthy sat beside June to her left and Nyxis to her right. On Nyxis's right sat someone she didn't know.

The girl has dark blue hair bobbed up to her chin. Her sharp, dark orange eyes darted around the camp. Tan arms and legs were tensed as if she couldn't find herself at home in the fortress. Her bare feet touched the soil without hesitation as if her soles and the earth were one and comfortable with each other. Her armor lay discarded at the back of the bench so she wore only a tight tunic and riding trousers which showed off her...curves.

Xanthy had yet to ask Nyxis who the girl was, where she was from, and why she was with him. But, upon arriving at Penleth, she studied the girl and her trail. It only got more interesting from there. From the battle, Xanthy caught a glimpse of the girl summoning at least four elements with control meant only for the sprites. No sprite could control elements outside their own synnavaim so how come this girl could do it without much effort?

Around them, soldiers and other workers mingled like old friends. Some talked about the battle earlier with hushed tones. Some mourned for their fallen friends. Others talked animatedly about the flying island and the explosions. Xanthy smiled even though there's a guilty pit gnawing at her stomach.

If only she had arrived earlier, they wouldn't even be needing to cut a space off the inner quadrant for makeshift Temples to honor the dead. Moreover, the way April and the Heiress's army slaughtered them in cold blood...

Speaking of April, the Lantegian heir was tied to a tree trunk Eldan grew in the middle of the center quadrant. Even if April tried uprooting it with her magic, as June could witness to, she would still have to figure out how to escape the bonds Xanthy placed upon her magic. In the outside world, one wouldn't survive a day without it.

April was offered a fairy potion and a slice of bread but the air sprite snarled at the poor server. Everyone shrugged and let her be. It's not like the Heiress would mount a rescue operation against Penleth for the Imperial princess. That's just how the Heiress worked. If one finishes being useful, she discards them.

Like what happened to Kymalin, who now sat beside the Peltran heir, Canelis, both quiet and looking everywhere but at each other. Xanthy found the Carleon heir in Brittlewood awaiting a death sentence. Xanthy didn't need to assume the Heiress tossed the banshee there after the consequent "failures" with her missions.

Xanthy did stop Reeca from lunging at the banshee the moment they saw each other. The varichria still hasn't forgiven Xanthy for stopping her nor Kymalin from deceiving her.

Not that Xanthy had forgiven Reeca for all she did, either. They still haven't talked about what happened in terms of the trailcloaker incident in Lanteglos. The one that not only exposed all the thrones' locations but also endangered Xanthy, June, and Nyxis while they're fleeing the Junction City with the whole Seelie Court after them.

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