BONUS: The Outer Quadrant

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2412, Diori 20, Reshpe

"So we only need to distract the soldiers while the earth sprites patch up the wall?" June crossed his arms as he leveled his gaze at Geradine, the only ice sprite general who went to Penleth with them. The other generals were out in Yin Alora to get the non-warrior ice sprites used to the world aboveground.

An unamused expression colored Geradine's pale face. "Essentially," she said as she scribbled more letters into today's inventory logs. Why was she the one doing that and not the fairies at the stocks? Oh, right. Since the day they realized there might be a spy among their ranks, they have been cautious. Too cautious, even.

Like right now. Instead of sending a cavalry of war-beaten soldiers, Geradine was choosing to send two stealth individuals to try to spook the enemy out of the fortress. What kind of luck did June have to be picked now, out of all chances to be?

Canelis stood beside him, silent and forever observing. Her eyes leaped from the sacks of cloth, ores, and spare weapons to the rolled sheets of parchments by Geradine's wooden desk before finally settling on the frail, metal lamp flickering to the general's right and casting a faint, orange glow into the sheafs of inventory logs. A soldier, through and through.

June, meanwhile, found his boots interesting. Huh, should he have worn a pair with worn soles so he could throw it out as soon as he could?

"When will the assignment take place?" Canelis's stern voice bled into June's ears. He raised his head to find the pixie still staring at the ice sprite general without wavering. "I need to prepare."

Geradine blew a breath and tucked her hair behind a pointy ear. "Half an hour," she said. "You have until then."

Canelis nodded and strode out of the tent, throwing the tent flap wide as she went. The tent flap floated back into its rested state and silence reigned inside.

"Well?" Geradine set her quill down and rested her chin over twined hands.

"Do you really need me there?" June swallowed against the lump building at the base of his throat. "Don't you know that I'm, ah...incapable?"

The ice sprite's eyes glinted. "How do you survive in a battlefield all this time?"

His soles scratched against the compact earth as he shifted his weight. "I defend," he said through his tight chest. "I don't...I don't want to hurt anyone unless I have to."

"You will have to during this assignment," Geradine jerked her chin towards the tent's exit. "As much as I like to give you a pass, I'm afraid you're one of the best shots we have in successfully retaking the outer quadrant. Do you get me?"

June didn't answer. His fists clenched at his sides.

"Do you get me?" Geradine's tone was sterner now.

He forced his tongue to work. "Yes, General."

Geradine bobbed her head and went back to the inventory logs. They're done here. June turned without bowing in respect and was out of the tent in a brisk set of steps. Outside, the night sky loomed over him like an impending sign of his doom. Already, his gut had started clenching and his breaths came out shaky.

He couldn't do this. Not anymore.

Several soldiers in light armor and casual clothes passed him by in idle banter which faded in blurred spurts in June's ears. His legs carried him to where he was instructed to meet Canelis before they embark out of the gate and into the outer quadrant. At his core, even if he denies it, he's still a pawn made only to follow instructions and fulfill missions.

Xanthy's frame sped through his periphery. Judging from how her brows were set together and her face scrunched up into a frown, she was looking for something to eat. They locked eyes for a second and she waved at him. She made no move to approach so June just smiled back. He wanted so bad to just reach out to her and help her find butterbread or something just as mundane. He was about to when a hand clamped on his shoulder.

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