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"I didn't do it" his cold red eyes don't change, as if he doesn't believe me, "I would not wish that kind of loss and pain to even my worst enemy... you may not want to hear this but it is not that uncommon for stillbirths, especially with twins" he looks at Henry standing beside me and with a hand gestures to send him away, I nod towards him, and he leaves the room. "Ellaria believes it was you" I take a step closer to him "Do you agree with her?" His eyes tell me nothing other than pain. "I'm not sure, it is not that uncommon for your family to murder innocents, regardless of them being babes or not" he is talking about his sister and her children.

"I was leges away Oberyn, and I would appreciate you'd believe me when I say that it wasn't me" it truly wasn't, beloved. "I just... and she... *deep breath* She has been unconsolable, I haven't left her side and it pains me to see her like that" why would you tell me this and.... Wait... haven't left her side? "Please don't tell me that in the two months of my absence, you have done something, other than being with her? Tell me you have done something regarding the dying crops in the east, or the merchants from Essos awaiting our reply for further trade?"

He looks almost confused at my question with an outraged tone "No of course not." WHAT?! You cannot yell... be regal, just like she thought you. I look back at him and say very calmly "Wake up beloved. You cannot continue to be this carefree, you have a responsibility to your kingdom... you are a prince, and yet because of her, you are useless to your people and are nothing more than a joke to the rest of Westeros" at this moment even to me.

"Don't be cruel Flower, I am allowed to mourn my daughters" that is not the point, "You are grieving I can understand that, but you cannot neglect the kingdom that relies greatly on you" he gets more confused by the second "No. They rely on my brother and I can do as a please while I grieve, no one can be expected to rule under this kind of pain" are you fucking serious, "My father lost my mother and still raised us and ruled the West. King Robert lost the love of his life and still he ruled, poorly, but at least he tried. Lord Eddard Stark almost lost his son and still he left him to be Hand of the King. My sister is mourning her husband, my nephew, his father, and they still look after the seven kingdoms."

"What are you trying to say? I am tired of games" fine no more court games, "Beloved, you are a legend to the kingdoms, but for all the wrong reasons. The Red Viper, Whore of Dorne, oh mighty Oberyn Martell... you are a joke and you make the rest of our kingdom look like one too. They don't look at your brother's achievements they look at YOUR failures, and there are plenty" now his eyes change, he is angry. "OUR kingdom?! You are a stranger to MY land"

"You think I don't know that?! But as I am a stranger, I am your WIFE!" He came en closer or faces inches away and a wild race of emotions in our eyes, he says with more control over his emotions "I look after my kingdom the best I can alongside my brother but I'm grieving my children, just because you were raised by a monster that taught you to never show weakness doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't either... I understand the burden of high birth, you are allowed to show weakness sometimes... " Allowed?

"Alright do as you wish with your mistress and our- your kingdom Oberyn. You can slander my family all you want, but remember that every terror you have heard about Tywin Lannister's temper, his children experienced first hand. As for the burden of high birth it is nothing compared to the loneliness I feel in this palace. But make no mistake. I am completely and utterly alone in this place, the moment I show weakness is the moment one of my family's numerous enemies strikes, and no one in this entire kingdom would protect me, no one here would care if I died tomorrow so don't pretend to understand what life here is like for me..." We refused to say anything else, we just stared, and something, I don't know what but something passed through his eyes before he turned around and left me to my thoughts.


Back in my chambers I spent the rest of the day talking with my daughters about my travels to the capital. Obera seemed very interested in knowing more about Jeoffrey, our future king. Tyene showed a special interest in Kings Landing, she said she wishes to someday visit, I told her maybe I could take them with me, seeing my sisters reaction would be priceless. It was getting late and they left back to their room, I just about to change into my nightgown when Henry announced Toko and Tayta, lets see what they found out.

We are sitting on my balcony, Exhaustion washes over every inch of my body but I need to know what has happened. "Speak" Toko looks nervous so Tayta starts speaking instead "Your four new companions have been settled in a nice enough flat near the castle grounds as per your orders, they are very happy to be here and to serve you my Lady but they do wish to speak with you as soon as possible to see what exactly their duties will be" good, good they are eager.

I turn to Toko, his nervousness is making me nervous, I raise an eyebrow not wanting to wait any longer and he finally speaks. "I met with our birds and gathered whispers from the maids, my Lady. I do not like what I figured out... it was indeed murder, the whore was being poisoned with very small doses on her daily wine" by the gods.

Silence, I need to gather my thoughts... poison... fuck. "Tayta my four new assets are not a priority so for the time being tell them to find a job, a real one I will speak with them when I have time. Toko, keep looking, I want to know what poison it was... Thank you both, Tayta I will dress myself, good night." I don't move from my seat as they bow and leave me to my thoughts.

It takes me a while but I finally start undressing myself and as I do I catch a glimpse of my back and the viper that has been with me ever since I first met Oberyn... "You said to me; 'You will have a viper somewhere on your body, from this day till your last'... *sigh* If you write me letters and never forget, broken promises from the beginning beloved... Gods, I cannot live like this, I don't want my life to be without love. I want more, so much more Oberyn... oh, how I wish someone would hold me" mother I hope you hear me from wherever you are, what do I do now?


Oberyn POV
I leave Ellaria to sleep alone tonight, she was not too happy about it but I need to think "What did she mean she has experienced his terror first hand - and all that shit about being alone - died tomorrow and no one would care?! Of Course I WOULD care. However I view you Davina, you are still my wife. Gods be damned, you seven really gave me a challenge with this one didn' you... " I am so confused, what should I do about her? I truly don't. Believe her capable of. Murdering my babies but I would not put it past her father, so if she didn't do it, did she know about it? *deep breath*

"We must work something out Flower, we need to be able to talk about important matters without our tempers getting in the way... or my dick for that matter... gods, how can she look so sexy while yelling at me? UGh, what is wrong with you Oberyn? Oh, and lets not forget that tiny little detail that just wont leave my fucking head; of her taking a lover, defiled her or not, I cannot fandom someone else touching her, but WHY?! FUCK! I want to- no I need to know more about her... shit" This is going to be one fun dance, let's see where it takes us.


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