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As I instructed last night, my men are all present to break fast together, now rules "Men, I'm the kind of woman that greatly enjoys her freedom, however short, so I have but two rules; First and most important, we will break fast together every single morning  until we are back in Westeros. I don't give a rat's ass about what you do in the day, we are free to act like it, just show up in the morning."

Let that sink in while I serve my tea, "My lady? If I may, why do you wish to see us every morning?" ugh so formal, "Tommy, we are not in Casterly Rock anymore, don't be so formal, here I'm a friend. And to answer your question, I want to know that you are all still alive, and to trade stories. Know one another, on a different level than Lady and sailor." I want to forget who I am when I'm with my men. "The second?" ah, Henry so impatient.

"My second rule, Henry, is simple... Don't get caught and don't get killed" At this they laugh knowing how some of them can be idiots, my idiots. "My lady, how many men do you want as your escorts?" haha, of course you would ask "None Brienne" "What?!" oh she doesn't look happy "I don't need an escort, I can protect myself" the table went completely silent.

"My lady you can't be serious. At least two of us should stay close by during the day" sweet Tommy "As I said, I don't need it, but do as you please. I am going to the market" When I was leaving the manor, after some hush voices I could tell two of them were following me and the girls. Stubborn boys they are.


Three moons went by in a peaceful manner, breaking fast with the men has become on of my favorite things, they can do such idiotic things when let loose, even so I can still tell two of them shadow me every day, I won't tell them I know however. After today's shopping spree for gorgeous dresses we were in my chambers getting ready for bed "Elyn, could you prepare a trunk for me, about a month's worth of clothing." I have some people I want to meet. "What do you mean? Are we going somewhere?" Elyn had such a confused look it caught the attention of both Brienne and Tayta. "I am. You are not."

"Explain." "Well Brienne, we are gonna be in Braavos for fifteen more moons, I want to make new allies" Tayta is the one that speaks up now "For your father?" gods no "No Tayta, for me. Davinna Lannister also needs connections, especially after I move to the dessert" I need people on my side, not my fathers nor my husbands, mine.

"I'm taking Henry, Tommy and Toko with me. We leave for Lorath in the morning" Elyn once again, a confused girl "Why them and not us?" sigh "Elyn you have got to start putting more attention; Henry is a northerner and our best fighter, Tommy is great company and knows the duties of a handmaiden, and Toko is my head birdie."

"I never did understand how Toko came into the picture" Brienne you've never understood how my birds work "I got the idea of birds from Lord Baelish, Tommy is from the Baelish Keep. That is where Littlefinger controls every bird in all of Westeros. I met Toko in the market as a beggar boy and turned him into my very own spy in the Keep" , one of my brightest moments. "But we are nowhere near the Eyrie?" "No Brienne, but we already have loyal birds inside that report everything back to me. He is coming to get me even more birdies."

"Brilliant, so you have birds inside Littlefinger's bird Keep. The level of manipulation is astonishing" haha "Why thank you Tayta, I do my best. One thing my father has never realized is that knowledge is far more powerful than an army."


After a very successful trip to Lorath the boys and I were back in Braavos, but the task was not done. I still have about a dozen meetings with high merchants in the following months to discuss a partnership. Toko was wonderful, servants of every household answer to me now, they as all others will report to our hub in Pentos and later al relevant information will be sent to me in Sunspear, the perfect plan. 

Currently I'm walking in the city with Tayta. "So tell me Davi, how did you get so many merchants on your side?" smirk "Well, the dresses certainly help a lot. But it's quite easy to decipher what they want, men are simple; a wink, a compliment, a promise of a good word from a powerful Lady and I have their favor." simple beings they are.

"Favor? Is that all you wanted from them? I thought you were making deals." "I was, I am. It's a long process, at the end of our journey, my goal is to have a network of the most powerful and influential men in Essos. They will know who I am, they will respect me, and when the time comes, when I become a princess of Dorne, they will answer to me." Strategy my darling is so much more than a battle plan

"So your goal in this journey is to make allies in Essos? Wasn't it about curiosity and freedom?" that is what I told my father "It is about all those things, but I have to protect myself. Why have enemies, when you can have friends?"

"I still don't understand." "One day you will Tayta, just trust me" one day "Your mind works in mysterious ways Davi, that is why me and the crew will follow into to the bloodiest battle without the wink or an eye" I pray to the Stranger it doesn't ever come to that. 


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