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Jaqen H'ghar is a very demanding teacher, yes I accepted his training. Who wouldn't? He is a member of the world's deadliest organization, a faceless man, has never been caught and is rarely defeated. My days here in Braavos have gotten increasingly exciting, with training and my men finding new ways to get themselves in trouble. As for the girls; Brienne has spent many moons meeting with a master that is making her "the finest sword in all Essos", Elyn and Tayta as close as ever pass their days outside meeting new people and enjoying being away from court.

Brienne and Henry were not very happy when I told them how I came across Jaqen but after they calmed down they were excited for me, having a master even if it is only for four more moons has been an adventure. Meetings with the lords are over, all on my side, as expected. Toko has been enjoying himself gathering birds all over the city, he has a talent to spot the best ones in almost every household.

Training was especially hard today but Jaqen said he had a mission of sorts for me. So I'm currently waiting for his return, resting by the sacred waters inside the House of Black and White (the fountain I mentioned last time). When a girl around my age, eyes white as snow, came barging through the doors of the "face room" followed by H'ghar, this is going to be an interesting conversation. "Davina, a man has brought this girl to teach you a lesson of honor and obedience. The girl broke the sacred oath of our god and fell in love. Morgana a disgrace to the faceless men"

"Alright, what does that have to do with me?" I have a feeling I won't like the answer "This is the god's and a man's final lesson... Morgana was blinded by love so the god blinded her as punishment" oh holly fuck "Learn to see by not seeing" He splashed me with the sacred waters and it all went dark. "Davina, learn to see with the disgraced girl and the god will give you your eyes back" this is fucking fantastic, just perfect.

And now she speaks "Well you know my name, this is my final punishment from the god and then I'm free. So let's start" free? "How am I supposed to move around? Let's start there" this is going to be interesting "Easy Davina, you don't wear shoes so that is an advantage, feel the ground and where the people are. Hear their breaths and see if they lie. Conquer this and win you always shall"

Fucking fantastic, I got myself a teacher that rhymes. Here goes nothing "Let's star then"


Two moons have gone by since Jaqen took my sight, and I'm getting really good at fighting. Walking was the first whole month. I've never heard Henry and Mordred my two northerners laugh so gods damned hard, watching me stumble from place to place trying to learn how to "see with my feet". At the same time I never had heard Brienne scold me so hard for getting myself into this mess, but it is amazing all I have learned to walk and function like a normal human; feeling where people are around me, paying more attention to their breathing if they are nervous or lying has suddenly become much easier to determine.

Also learning a lot about Morgana in the process, it turns out she was sold into the House of Black and White as a child and when she was old enough to be outside on her own she met Blue, the love of her life she says, love at first sight. The irony of her punishment for loving someone.

"Jaqen and the god found out that we were going to elope. So the day before we were meant to leave I was called to help collect a new face... when I got to the face room it was Blue on the table. My beloved was dead because he dared to love me and to give me a name, and so the god blinded me like love before him, kept me serving him for a year before you came along and after you get your sight back, I will be free" that is her story. However today in training I could not shake the feeling that she has no clue of how the world works and wondering how or if she will survive it, she's never really seen it quite literally "Morgana, join me"

I felt her breathing stop like her wooden staff midair "What? Why would you want me?" why not "You are a very talented assassin I could make good use of you back in Westeros. And I've come to like you as a friend" a very closed off friend but still "You're sure you won't regret bringing me along Davina?" "My darling Morgana, I thought you would have figured it out by now. I don't do anything without considering all the best and worst scenarios. Why have enemies when you can have friends?... so will you come with me or not?" ... "I would be honored My Lady"

"Finally the girl has learned" my heart almost exited my chest at my surprise Oh fuck, I did not see him "Is that good, will the man give me my sight back?" either he does or I'm burning the place down "Yes, the god wanted you to learn to see people and their many faces, now drink" he did not had to tell me twice about that one, and Jaqen in a different face appeared before me "I'm back, you have been a great teacher but you could not have done that at a more perfect time, Morgana we live in a fortnight to Pentos. get your affairs in order and report to my manor"

As I made my way to the front doors, Jaqen gave me a final warning and valuable lesson "Davina and Morgana, you are alive thanks to the good will of the Many Faced god, so remember your oath about who taught and blinded you..." devoted Jaqen how could I possibly forget "Who taught us? Easy... no one." I stopped once I reached the door and turned to my teacher,

"Before I walk out those doors, remember man that westerosis are much more stubborn and loyal than you think, should you ever want to take another pupil from my home, shall one even seek your training? Be warned, it is not easy to forget; our words are sacred, our families are temples, and our names we will defend to the grave."


-- Nyke vēdros naejot admit ziry yn tolī leaving Lenton Zōbrio Timpe, nyke sepār mirre pendare skoros Ōbryn might sagon doing, ziry iksos issare tolī than iā jēdarī se ñuha birdies haven't reported mirros interesting.  Ēza ziry honored hen deal? gōntan ziry emagon iā saelie riña? lī ziry pendagon yno? doru-borto, nyke gīmigon, non se less.  Nyke pendagon (I hate to admit it but after leaving the House of Black and White, I just kept wondering what Oberyn might be doing, it's been more than a year and my birdies haven't reported anything interesting. Has he honored our deal? Did he have a third child? Those he think of me? Stupid, I know, non the less... I wonder)--


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A Dance of Lions and Snakes (O. Martell)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon