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It's the morning after the party and half of my men look like death "Haha, by the looks of you I'm going to go right ahead and assume the party was to your liking. Toko doo tell me how it was, not even Henry can open his eyes" I heard him grunt in the distance, Toko smirked and turned to me "Well yes my Lady, it was a great party... with a grand supply of wine and ale." haha they are so hungover.

"That is good to know... what about you girls? Tayta did you and Elyn have a good time? What is the report on Brienne and Morgana?" Tayta also looked like death but she still smiled when I mentioned Elyn, uuuu did something happen between the two of them?

"It was a very interesting night Davi... both Brienne and Morgana socialized, someone even took Brienne out to dance more than once" Brienne like Henry grunted and glared at Tayta "Oh hush Brienne, I asked Tayta... soooooo, was he cute?" she just got up and walked away, rude.

I was about to ask Tayta about what happened with Elyn, when a servant girl approached me "Pardon me my Lady, but lieutenant Daario Naharis is at the front gates asking for you" Daario? How did he find me this easily? I got up and walked to the door where he stood looking as a true military man with a sword by his side.

"Lieutenant, this is a surprise" he shamelessly looked at my body and with a big smirk and said "Where are you going with that quiver on your hip, my Lady? You are missing the bow, you know that right?" asshole. I started to walk away when he ran in front of me.

"I'm sorry, just teasing you... but it is a good thing you have one because I'm taking you to explore the island" explore? "Is that a question or a command lieutenant?" ... "A little of both"

"Well then how disappointing for you, I take orders from no one" a perfect smirk came to his face "Then my Lady, it is a request, a plea if you would" hmm, he looks interesting enough, why not? "Very well, wait here"

This should be interesting, the girls were in out chambers also getting ready for the day "Girls I'm going to go explore the city with Daario, I'll see you at dawn" I grabbed my bow and started walking right back out when Brienne manifested in the door "Who in the hells is Daario?" well shit "A lieutenant that I met last night, and before you start to protest... well just don't you are too hungover to argue" I sidestepped her and made my way back to the entrance.

But fate hates me so before I can get there Toko appeared out of nowhere "My Lady, I have important news from Dorne" Dorne? "What now Toko, did he have a fifth daughter?" when he didn't answer me right away and a frown appeared on his face, I pushed "Toko? What is it? What in the heavens did Oberyn do?"

He took a deep breath and in a hushed tone said "He has taken a lover and she is with child" my gods, another one, can he not keep it in his pants? "Why is this important? We already knew he takes lovers all year around. What makes this one so special?" another deep breath 

"Many in the palace believe he will make her his paramour shortly" fuck.

A paramour is a bond, a title deeper than that of a simple lover. With a status like that, she'll be free to move into the palace near Oberyn and have servants of her own. She is no real threat regarding my marriage, but she can be a nuisance in the future if she forgets her place.

Now it was my turn to take a deep breath "Do we know who she is?" please just let her be another common whore "Yes my Lady, Ellaria Sand, she is a bastard daughter from house Uller" a bastard, perfect.

"Then she is no real threat, a lowbirth will never rise to power. Toko, tell them to keep a close eye on her, I want someone in her personal services if she ever moves into the palace" and I walked away.

Once more I reached Daario at the entrance "Ready lady Davina?" haha, he is indeed interesting "I see you found out my name Sir" that impeccable grin never leaving. 

"Yet not your family name and more disturbingly, no sign whatsoever about which Westerosie house you are loyal too" but of course not, my men are too loyal and the servants know nothing "That little piece of information will come to light the day I leave this island"

As he offered me his hand "You are a true mystery to me Davina, one that I intend to unravel" I don't think you would be so infatuated with me if you found out who I truly am. 

With half a smile I turned to one of my boys "Please tell Henry and Brienne not to worry I'll be back by nightfall" and as so I took Daario's hand.

"So where are you taking me?" We rounded the corner and I was faced with to black mares waiting. He guided me to the closest one, he himself getting on the mare when he finally answered "My Lady, it is a lovely day so we are riding to the untouched part of the island. Where nature is still pure and beautiful, like you" he is nauseatingly sweet.

"Lead the way good sir" and so we rode and I just kept trying to convince myself that I will enjoy my day, that I will forget all about my future husband and his new lover. I'm trying really hard to forget him and enjoy my day with this handsome stranger but all I can think about is...

He dare fall in love with no other than a bastard?!


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