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A week has gone by since my father agreed with my plan to travel to Essos, and by the seven have I been busy. Planning a six year journey takes a lot of preparation, well Brienne and I already had most of it planned, we had been preparing for almost three years. It was really important to me throughout the whole process, that no one knew exactly who I was, they all know that a noble Westerosie lady is staying at their manors with her crew. All the business meetings are with a highborn, only when I meet them will they truly know that I am Davina Lannistert.

All of these secrets have one purpose, I don't want the shadow of my father looming over me in Essos. I don't have to be perfect and he will NOT control me over there.

So, with everything arranged we just needed approval on the schedule and help with the finances of it all, a gift from my father. Brienne's father has been of great help too, he helped us choose the best men and women to become members of our crew and accompany us in our journey. We wouldn't be the only girls of course; a handful of servants, Elyn, and Tayta are coming as well. The rest of the crew are knights in training, warriors, adventurers, and a couple of his friends' sons.

Right now I find myself in the library looking at a map of Essos and finishing writing down the last details on our "off the books side trips" and what I plan to do in these places in my journal, gods my father must never find out about this or he'll send me to the Silent Sister.

When I heard Tyrion mumbling and with heavy footsteps coming my way, "Yes brother?" he released a chuckle "How did you know it was me?" looking up from the map and closing my journal, I looked into his Lannister green eyes with a serious expression "You just have to pay attention, dear brother... You were mumbling to yourself, you half wit" he just shook his head at me chuckling "How sassy... I've taught you well" Suddenly his expression changed to a deep frown, "Father has something important to tell you, meet him at his study" oh gods, this doesn't sound good.



As I knocked on his study's door "Come in my daughter" my father had a very peculiar face, but I couldn't tell if it was that of distraught or pleasure, whatever it is, it's not good "You called for me father?" He leaves aside the papers he was looking at and motions for me to take a seat right in front of him, "Yes my daughter, I have found you a husband, and he has agreed to meet you a week before you leave." Wow, I didn't think he would find someone so fast.

He doesn't seem to be happy about the news, that means there is more to it "Those are great news father, I am promised to someone and Cersei and Jaime will be arriving tomorrow to bid me farewell, all is in place. So, why do you look distraught?" I was getting uneasy with his prolonged silence.

"Your future husband is going to make us so much richer than we already are, and we will gain strength along with the fear of other houses with this mighty alliance." But there is only one other house with power like ours, and it hit me, oh gods no. "Davina, you will marry Prince Oberyn Martell once you return from Essos" No!

No. That was my only thought at the moment, that man who is but three years older than me already has two daughters and is famous throughout Westeros for his sexual appetite with both sexes. A Martell? Dorne? By the gods. No...A Lannister always pays their debts, right? I just look deep into his eyes and smile like Cersie taught me, "Alright, I did say it was your choice, my marriage to Oberyn will certainly make our house stronger. In a way I will become a princess of Dorne. You did good in finding me a husband father." I'm royally fucked.


I did not cry in my chambers that night, I sent a raven to tell Brienne I need her to come early to Casterly Rock. And just stared out aimlessly at sea, trying to imagine what my life is going to be like with a man that not only hates my entire family for what we did to his sister and children. However, the part that frightens me the most, is spending the rest of my life with someone that will never be faithful to me, and much less love me. I don't want to live like my sister, miserable, at the mercy of a man who doesn't respect me.

There are moments like this, that I wish more than anything, I could talk to my mother for comfort and advice, instead I talk to air. "Mother, father always told us you grew to love each other and where very happy together. However I fear that all I will get from my marriage, if I'm lucky, is that we learn to tolerate each other, but never be happy, never to love."


The next day, the moment Cersei stepped out of her carriage, I crashed her into a hug "My sweet sister, how I have missed you" Cersei said, "Mhm, my turn" Jamie interrupted with a smirk as he lifted me into the air and hugged me like he did when we were children "Did you miss me baby sister?" "No, not really. I had Tyrion and I've been rather preoccupied planning my trip" he dramatically puts a hand over his heart "You wound me" together, we fall into a fit of laughter.

"My four children together again. Come, let's get you two cleaned up for dinner" said our father as we made our way into The Rock. Jaime held onto my arm as we walked "You grow more beautiful every time I see you little sister, like Cersie, and mom" yeah, mom "Thank you Jaime, but you better take a bath before dinner, you reek." The rest of the day was spent laughing with my family, I would do anything to keep them safe.

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