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My name day celebration was, like always, grand and elegant, nobles paraded around me the entire evening. All brought extravagant gifts in order to gain my favor or my silence. But I didn't enjoy it as much, my two eldest siblings weren't present again. Jaime left years ago, I was still a girl, to become a part of the King's Guard, his noble mission turned into nasty story, now people call my brother Kingslayer but none of them know what truly happened that night. And Cersie, left to marry King Robert, drunken bastard.

Now she has a beautiful little boy named Jeoffrey and a baby girl named Marcella, they have a good life but nevertheless I miss my siblings. Finally free from the court rats I make my way to my father's study and halt at the door. "Come on Davina, just do it" as I say this I walk straight inside, he immediately looks up smiling, but frowns a bit when he sees my serious face. "Is something wrong my lioness?" here it goes.

I take a big breath and shoot my shot "Father, you raised me to be a strong woman, you taught me how to fight, to always outsmart my enemies..." he begins to lean back in his chair waiting "What is it Davina?" oh by the seven, "Agh, I want to go on an adventure, I want to see the world. To live outside Casterly Rock, to really live. Father, I want to travel to Essos before I marry."

It's impossible to know what Tywin Lannister is thinking all the time, even if you are his daughter. "No" "But father..." he held up his hand to silence me. "Davina, you are my youngest daughter, I will not let you wander the world unprotected. By the gods you just turned ten and nine," precisely, that means I'm an adult.

With that I walk around his desk, kneel in front of him and with a calm voice "But you see father you didn't let me finish. I would not be alone, Brienne would be with me, and we have handpicked trusted men who have accepted to travel and protect us" gods let this work, "Remember you made me a promise not too long ago, on Cersei's wedding day?"

His eyes soften ever so slightly "I do." Great, now the killing blow "Well you promised I would get to choose who I marry, out of love. *sigh* Father, if you let me fulfill my wish, do the one thing I've dreamt about for as long as I remember... I'll relinquish that right. You will get to choose who I marry, please."

There was a moment of excruciating silence, with me still kneeling in and him rubbing his temples, it's a thing he does when stressed. When he groaned and finally spoke, "My lioness, you are so much like your mother, breaking the rules and driving me mad in the process. You have made yourself a deal, knowing you, you already have everything sorted out. But remember your words child, as I will choose whoever is best for our house." The most enormous smile made its way into my face as I hugged my father "Of course I will. Lannisters always pay their debts. Thank you father," for fucks sake, I thought it would take more than that. Yes!

I left his study and went running to my chambers, and sent out a raven to Brienne, for our adventure was about to begin.


Today I woke up with great spirits and ready to do a lot of work for the upcoming trip. I told a servant girl to fetch different colors of silks for my new dresses, Elyn to go get the seamstress. As I took Tyta to go visit my favorite craftsman and see how my journals were coming along.

This journals are so very special in every way, first of all; they are all numbered as per my request, second; this craftsman uses a special and smooth paper that allows me to draw with ease, gods know I draw everything so that is certainly an advantage, and third; they all have a lock and the only key is in my possession.

Over the years I've developed a kind of defense mechanism for my plans and personal thoughts. It being that all the important stuff, I write down in Valyrian, in these locked notebooks. There was this one time that one of my father's generals found one of my books open, and was furious to say the least when he couldn't read the content of it, that just proved that my system works.

And so, since my secrets were safe within the pages of my books. A few months ago I started making sure that the spoken secrets and plans with my closest friends also were impenetrable. I started teaching High Valyrian to Brienne, Elyn, and Tayta. They speak it almost perfectly now, so every time we are in my gardens and talking in Valyrian, not even Littlefinger's most skilled bird can find out about our plans.


What you think? Right now I'm just really trying to layout Davina's life and her character.

Stay tuned, there are more songs to be played.

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