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The evening went on exactly as planned, our guests partied and drank their body weight in wine. It was fun enough to watch all the lords of Dorne laugh and truly smile at my wedding day. As for my beloved husband, he has spent the evening parading himself with all these lords, he doesn't have to earn their favor, he is playing his role of the troublesome second son of Dorne to perfection.

"My little girl, join me in a glass of wine" my father said as he approached me with his perfect lord-like smile in place. "I would love to father but you know that I don't drink, never have and probably never will" he simply sits down on what was Oberyn's seat and reached for the wine pitcher. 

"Yes, I remember. However I was not asking" as we both raised our glasses I mentally prepare myself for whatever double meaning toast my father will give just for the two of us "My little lioness, you got married today and brought great honor to our house, as well as took the first step to mend a broken relationship between our houses... I wish upon you and your husband an easy marriage filled with the joys of your children, who I am certain will take after their great and powerful grandfather... daughter, by song and love I tell you, be good and remember that your loyalties will always be with your blood, my blood."

Stop this, I will be good. "Thank you father, that was beautiful and as I said early in the feast father, I will always be a good daughter to you and now I will be a good Lady of Dorne. Hear me roar." He smirked and replied "Hear me roar."

He drinks from his wine and reaches over to grab the back of my head, hard, and brings me forward so that his lips almost touch my ear "Do not disappoint me daughter" he then kisses my forehead and leaves me shaking.

With my smile back in place I pace myself for what is undoubtedly about to happen, the bedding. Tayta comes next to me to take me away from the feast, people all around me cheer, imbeciles all of them. By the gods. "Stupid man, he brought his whore to our wedding feast" I whisper to Tayta and she says "Let us pray that your father doesn't see her, only the Crone knows what he would do" I know, he would have her child killed, its not like he hasn't done it before.


Nothing. I feel nothing, the soft hands of Elyn as she helps me change are a distant feeling. I did as Cersie recommended, my father and the rest of the witnesses will be outside looking through a little whole. Elyn and Tayta both hold my hand and walk out, now I wait by the window looking out to the gardens, how I wish I could instead see the ocean and calm myself. The door creaks open and closes, but I hear unsteady steps, too slow, "By the goods, you are drunk"

"You wound me Flower. I am merely being cautious out of respect to you, I was raised better that you give me credit for" a light breeze came through and his hands reached my shoulders and push to turn me and look at him, well the rumors were true "I must admit, I could have done worse, you beloved are not half bad" here he stood inches from me completely bare and my- he is big and deliciously thick.

"Why thank you, wife... I'm sure you have many to compare me too" ah there it is, you had to ruin it. "Only a couple, don't get too excited, beloved, I said the rumors were true, never that you were the best I've seen" his face dropped, and moved his hands to my nightgown's straps, and slid them down, swiftly leaving me bare for him to see. And I didn't miss his skipped breath and bigger eyes. We looked into each other's eyes, and I mean really looked, and nonverbally agreed that this was happening, we just had to make it as pleasurable as possible, even if there is nothing between us.

Our eyes never leaving each other he guided me towards the bed, when I was laying right in the middle of it with his unfairly muscled body on top of me he finally speaks; "It will hurt Flower, maybe I can give you a glass of wine before I start" so he can be a decent man, "I don't drink, *sigh* just do it slowly"

It hurts, by the gods. I can feel him inside me, how in the heavens can he go in so deep. "The worst is over Flower, now I am going to move" his stokes were slow but oh so delicious, I grab onto the sheets and arch my back to him, everything fades, all that I can sense is this divine pleasure, my mind is foggy and I forget our struggles and differences, there is only this, now, and it is marvelous. Time is irrelevant in this little lust filled room, he is moving more vigorously now in and out of me, my fingers grab on tighter to the sheets and his move to the board and enters me in a wonderful new angle. My husband, panting and groaning on top of me, makes him lose his breath just like he makes me forget all. The bed starts to shake under us, my cries of pleasure can be heard all over the castle I am sure, my climax is about to come and he knows it too, he lowers one hand close to my head and the other comes to grab my jaw and or lust filled eyes meet and I... I am lost in him.

"I can feel you about to cum Flower... do it loudly. Make those wretched men... hear you outside our door" he tells me between pleasurable breaths. He is moving faster, so much faster, his hand moves from my jaw to my throat and I explode in cry, all my senses go numb and I start to feel full. Oberyn lets go of my throat and pulls out of me, laying by my side "Yeah, I'm sure they heard us" We are both panting, not saying a word, not sure I can find words for this moment, but he did "For what is worth wife, that is some of the best sex I've ever had"

For what it's worth?! Moron! "I am glad that you are able to recognize the true woman that is your wife, beloved, contrary to the whores you are used to" Of course he had to think of the others, of his paramount, agh! He twists his head towards me and says "Take it as a compliment flower, you admitted that as all noblewomen you were innocent until you married me" I smirk and chuckle to his remark, turning to meet his eyes "You are mistaken beloved, I said I was never defiled... " I lift my body to hover over his face, and lean down to bite his ear and whisper "I never said I was untouched" I could be wrong but I think I just saw a hint of a smile.

He got up, got dressed and bid me good night, so I called for Tayta and Elyn. I got dressed and we started making our way to my chambers, Elyn was brushing my hair and Tayta laying out my dress for tomorrow when Elyn asked, "Why wouldn't he spend the night with you? It is your first night as husband and wife, it's special" I sigh, there can only be one reason to it "He went back to his whore Elyn. You are right he is indeed my husband, but She is his lover" I walk to the balcony and the girls leave in silence. Looking out into the night sky I pray to the Mother and Crone; let me be with child soon, give me someone to love and protect.

Like Cersie always says, love no one but your children.


I'm sorry I've been gone so long, but between finals, college applications, and writers block its been a weird couple of weeks. I'll do my best to update every Sunday again.

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Stay tuned, there are more songs to be played.

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