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After about an hour of crying and screaming for my love's family, I realized... assassinated, there is only one person in the west who would benefit from killing them on that very specific date; my father.

I learned from Cersie though, never confront him head on, you will lose, so instead I am hastily making my way to my Jaime's chambers.

I opened the doors, not bothered by formalities at this moment "That is why you couldn't look at father, that is why yesterday after dinner you left in such a hurry..." his eyes everywhere but on me. "Tell me brother, did you know... DID YOU?!"

"I did" his eyes finally met mine and he started walking towards me with such steadiness, as if I would break at any moment...

"I know our father, I know he did it to try and erase him from my memory, that much I know... Jaime, brother... Why didn't you stop him? The attack was days ago, days... why did you let him?"

"Davi, father is growing even more ruthless. He is always angry because of the growing debt Robert has to our house... he is disappointed in Cersie because Jeoffrey turned out to be a disappointment... at me for refusing to take over the West... at Tyrion for being born"

"You are his last 'good' child, so you can't be weak, you can't care for your lover's family this deeply and this long after his death -" 

"Murder... after his murder. Don't ever forget brother that while you and Cersie get to be somewhat happy with each other... He murdered Jonha like he did Tysha..."

Jaime rests his hands on my shoulders and lifts my head with his fingers, makes me look him in the eye "You know about Cersie and me?" agg, selfish prick, we are talking about me.

"Yes brother I am not stupid, the only reason Tyrion hasn't figured it out is because he is drunk 12 hours of the day... it's not fair that you get to hold each other close when you are lonely and Tyrion and I don't... it is not fair that the ones we love were murdered, erased and you get to fuck our sister whenever you want..." *sigh*

I stepped away from him, with my back to him I continued "I'm not telling if that is what troubles you... I look after my siblings and their stupidly weird mistakes... but none of you look after me"

"That is not true, you are our baby sister. We have always looked after you" lies, you don't even know me, don't know about my plans to see our deranged family doesn't destroy Westeros

"It no longer matters Jaime... I leave for Sunspear tomorrow and in a couple weeks time I will be wed"

I snapped my fingers and Tayta came in with a trunk "Those are yours, Tyrion's, and Cersie's gifts... I won't see them for at least another year so it's up to you to see they get to them...

And Jaime the next time try not to get caught by a child" his eyes nearly fell out of its sockets "How did you- I mean, what are you talking about?" *scoff*

"I know everything that goes on in Westeros... Goodbye brother, we will see each other again"


Lets just say that lunch with my father was exhausting, pretending not to be enraged by his action is quite a hard thing to do, but I am a Lady of Court this has always been the case in balls.

After a rather somber goodbye "My child, I have to leave tomorrow... urgent business by the River. I do love you Davina and even if your siblings can't I will be there for your wedding... I promise." He always keeps them, just that in this particular case I don't know if it is a good thing or not.

Now in my chambers, Morgana and Brienne are here with me. Having a late night glass of wine "Brienne what is on your mind? You haven't stopped fidgeting all night" she looked shocked I noticed, then she must be worried "What is it?"

"Davi, we have been friends for years... ever since the day my father sent me here in hopes of becoming a proper lady, but you and I would take the horses and ride instead of doing our embroidment" 

Reminiscing?, okey I'm getting worried "I have heard from Toko that Lord Stark is having difficulties when dealing with your sister, the Queen- "

"Yes well that isn't exactly surprising, if you are not Jaime, one of her children, or me, she won't like you" that is a well known fact

"Yes. But my father is worried it will escalate and I think it is time I went back home... I want to pledge my sword like Henry and Mordred did with you, but to my Lord Paramount of the Stormlands; Lord Renly Baratheon" oh.

"Oh, I see... then he is one lucky bastard to get such a fine knight as you, old friend" Tayta gave her a pat on the back and said "I told you she would understand" Brienne smiled at me "I leave shortly after you all set sail" this all feels like a long goodbye.

"Davina, I know you are going to be alone in enemy territory but I want you to know that even if I am leagues away, if you need me I will come" such a loyal friend, and good knight

"Brienne, all I have ever wanted was for us to be somewhat free, of course I want you to serve your Lord Paramount like you wish to... thank you and know that I will always be watching over you... after all I have birdies everywhere, might as well be selfish and have a few of them follow you"

Morgana made her way to the table and served herself more wine, turned to us and said, head high as always "We are parting ways Lady Brienne - " she cut her off "I am not a Lady, Morgana"

"Shut it, I'm giving an emotional semi-drunk speech... where was I... oh! Right; we are partying ways LADY Brienne, but I just know that we will see each other again -"

Tayta now piped in "Erm, Morgana you can't see" *laughter*

"Ha-ha I know that Tayta, it is an expression... Besides I might be blind but I know for a fact that right now you have an arm draped around Elyn" I bent over to check and indeed she did

"My point is, this world and the society you all grew up in, which I'm now entering out of pure madness... well, they are fucked beyond repair, but not us... and I am at peace because you are bloody stubborn Brienne and you won't die until I get to hear your voice again"

The rest of the night we spent drinking and laughing, Morgana is right... the world is indeed fucked but I believe it can change...

With time we can break the wheel.


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