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Time flies in this city, between meetings  with the lords and exploring the city with the girls, three more moons have gone by much quicker than expected. The men seem to be enjoying themselves as well, with stories like chasing a beautiful woman throughout the city, or getting in street fights and fleeing the scene. Today is one of the rare days where I'm on my own. I'm on my way to visit the small sept in the heart of the city to thank the gods. And so, no one is shadowing me today, for privacy I suppose, you don't ever mess with someone in prayer.

However, three blocks ago I came to realize that someone is following me, and I'm sure it is not one of my men.

Stay calm Davina it may be nothing. That is what I thought as I stopped to sketch an old couple dancing in their balcony to a musician in the street, but the figure was still there when I entered the sept. "My god, Father. I come in good faith to thank the seven for gracing me with such a life, I will do my best. Oh Crone, I hope you let me see a glimpse of my future, did I do good? Mother, Stranger I plead you keep looking out for me and my crew. I offer today a basket full of rich fruits and golden tokens."

What kind of monster spies on someone while they are praying?

As I made my way out of the sept I grabbed my dagger from under my skirt. Stay calm and go back to the manor, fuck there is another hooded figure blocking the bridge, fuck the other way then. My chest suddenly became ten times heavier, they are trapping me, or leading me somewhere to attack me. For fuck sakes the one day my men decide not to shadow me.

I was right, they have me cornered, there is only water behind me, and the next black and white building is too far away to make a swim for it. "Well hello gentleman, do you need something? Maybe some coin or a prayer to the gods?" Six?! They are too many for me "We already have a god, the one true god" oh he speaks "The lord of Light, respectfully so, then seeing as we serve different gods, I'll take my leave"

As I'm walking away from them, one reached to grab my forearm as I took my dagger and sliced right under his armpit, rendering it useless. The other five charged at me, as I slid one's throat I saw another had a bag to put over my head, not today sweetheart. I broke into a run, I've gotta get somewhere crowded, it'll be easier to slip away. Yes! One more turne and I can- fuck! Another one was waiting for me, knocked the dagger out of my hand and proceeded into covering my head with a gods awful smelling bag, while I tried to scratch his eyes out, but they ended up tying my hands and carrying me onto... a boat?

My intent on an escape was rather pathetic, but in my defense my weapon of choice is a bow, it provides distance. Even if my father allowed Jaime to teach me some basic skills with the sword, hand on hand combat was always forbidden. So, yeah scratching was my go to move. "Boys? How about we talk about this, I have friends. If you need permission to smuggle something in the city, I can get it for you. Or is it that you truly need some coin, how pathetic to use this method but out of pity I can still give you some, remember I offered..."

What in the northern fuck. "For fucks sake, are you mutes? Do you belong to one of those weird sex cults were mutism is considered hot?" Ugg, what a truly disturbing thought. *shriek* Suddenly I'm over some vulgar man's shoulder "Oh how truly disgusting, see here I will have you all killed by the next moon if you lay one more bloody hand one my body! Put me down you repugnant creature." And he did, landed flat on my ass though, but the mask came off. 

"What in the hells- ... Johna?" Oh my gods, no he can't possibly, this is a trick "Hello Davina, I've missed you" nononononono. I was reaching to him, yearning to touch my beloved again, Johna, could it possibly be you?  No. "Who are you and how in the hells are you doing this? Because I know for a fact that Johna is dead" saw it myself. And if this day wasn't weird enough already, the man in front of me... took off Johna's face!!! Face? Wait, I know this story. "You are the faceless men, from the House of Black and White" however the man didn't seem surprised that I knew of his world, but how?

"You are night tales to frighten children- No, the rumors in the city, the lords telling me to stay away from the sept... so close, but still-" "Who are you talking to girl?" shit, said it out loud, game time. "Interesting, so very interesting" Completely dismissing the faceless man, I take my seat on the edge of a small fountain in the middle of the room, where we are... alone "You are real, the faceless men, master assassins, minions of the Faceless god. No name, no love, no belongings, no face" to this the statue man just nodded in agreement "Fascinating. Well, man why am I here?" His whole demure changed all of a sudden, a smile as unsettling as my father's creeped onto his face.

"A man has a message from the Faceless god Davina Lannister... he wants me to teach you."


Later that night... in journal number 2 -- qilōni emagon bona iā naejot se Lentsīkudo sagon sīr eventful, ao ūndegon skoros massitas iksin bona se mēre tubis ñuha valītsossa daor naejot nyke (who would have thought that a simple visit to the sept could be so eventful, you see what happened was that the one day my boys decided not to follow me...)--


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