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"Time for your bath Davi... come you will look ravishing today" great.

Every bit of my body was thoroughly scrubbed with my favorite rose oil. The rest of my morning routine was going as usual, Tayta was helping me with my makeup when a knock came from the door.

Elyn went to fetch it "It is a letter from her Majesty the queen" *gasp* "Cersie? Pass it on Elyn" I don't waste a minute to see the words my sister has wrote me:

My sweet baby sister,

I am heartbroken that I am not able to attend your special day. The gods know I was grateful you were there for mine; I still remember you running around the garden in utter bliss because your sister got married and our family would get bigger. I wish I could hold you and tell you myself that it is weird. You will be nervous the entire day, father will certainly not help ease that nerve but he will smile and tell you how proud he is, as am I. When the bedding comes, ask that the witnesses give you privacy... it is going to hurt and it is going to feel strange, sharing such an intimate thing with a stranger but imagine Johna and enjoy it as much as you can.
                                                                           I love and miss you,

    Cersie of House Lannister, Queen of Westeros

A tear slides down my cheek before I can stop it, Morgana as impressive as she is "I know it is hard, you wish your siblings be here with you, or your mother... you wish it was with some else. Davi you will get through this, we are here for you, always." *snif* yeah I wish it were with another.

"Thank you Morgana... let's go, for today I wed"

When I arrive at the sept the entire city is there waiting for me, flowers and petals are being thrown to adorn my walk, they praise me as if they are happy I will be their princess

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When I arrive at the sept the entire city is there waiting for me, flowers and petals are being thrown to adorn my walk, they praise me as if they are happy I will be their princess.

My father is waiting for me at the entrance "You look so beautiful my child, your mother would be proud almost as proud as I am" I hope that she is.

"In a few minutes he will take your cloak and the colors of our great house, but you will always have the roar in your heart, Ready?"

I took a deep breath, straightened my back and said, "I am ready father."

The grand doors to the sept opened and inside it was littered with nobles of Westeros, mostly Dorne, in their finest clothes, the whore is not here, she can't enter a sept for as long as she lives.

A sight to behold for all of them; the last time Tywin Lannister walked the sept his oldest daughter became queen, and today the youngest becomes Princess of the South.

As we approach the marriage altar between the statues of the Father and Mother, I finally see him. He looks like true royalty, more so than that drunk king we have, but I can't shake the feeling of uncertainty that his stand gives me, he can't look at me, not yet, not until the vows.

Finally my father lets go of me and I join Oberyn facing the septon "Seven vows are made, seven blessings are invoked, and seven promises are exchanged, after which a wedding song is sung. A challenge is made to speak against the marriage.... Then we hold the exchange of cloaks"

This is it, I aim my back so that my father may take away my red and gold cloak. Mother goddess protects me, I turn again to the septon and Oberyn reaches for the orange Martell cloak, looks after me in this new path, and puts it on me.

I turn to face him, as he takes my hands in his, a perfect fit, and finally we see each other and the air leaves my lungs, as I see him take in a little more air.

"With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lady and wife" our eyes looking into each other's soul "With this kiss I pledge my love and take you for my lord and husband"

"I now declare you man and wife; one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever" Oberyn pulls on our joined hands and bends down to capture my lips with his...

It is soft and distant, nothing like the one we shared all those years ago in my garden.

Cheers erupted in the sept, my hand still in his as he guided us outside to greet the people together. The crowd screamed and threw flowers, gold, ornaments, to our feet, happy that their prince had a princess.

Now they are my people, and he my husband.


It is a Dornish tradition that when a ruler marries, they must walk from the sept all the way back to the Old Palace, to show the people that they walk amongst them, they respect and will protect them.

It shows humility, one of the many things I nor my husband poses, but it is easy enough to put on my brightest smile for them.

As we walk, crowds lay down flowers and rice to our feet, wishing us good fortune, some are chanting prayers to the gods so they may bless our lives together. It is quite a beautiful site and a wholesome experience to be loved by your people, but it also brings noise, so we can talk freely without anyone understanding our words.

"I want to apologise for last night" you certainly should, but I just smile and wave. He tightens the grip on my hand and again speaks "Flower, I am trying here... I was wrong to jump to conclusions, your father is very capable of coming up with a threat on her life on his won... that swine li-"

"I may be a Martell now, but I will not allow you to insult my father" at least not in my presence. "You can't possibly defend him, knowing all the horrible things he's done"

"Look beloved, I will let you into a little Lannister secret... my siblings and I are somewhat numb to his immoral actions, because the most atrocious things... he's done to us first" murder, torture, hunger, trauma, all boxes checked thanks to Tywin Lannister.

"But even now, he is my father, my family. I will always protect my family, no matter what horrible thing they've done to me or others." always.

"Let us agree that your father is a forbidden subject of discussion, if we want to restrain from killing one another" probably for the best "Agreed."

Finally at the grand gates of the palace, we turned to our people for one last look before the banquet, "I think you should say some words of- " he turned me suddenly and caught my lips in his, yet again different from the ones we shared before, this kiss felt hungry.

Screams but all I could feel, think, was him.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine, our breath and hearts fast "Oh Flower, this is going to be one interesting marriage"


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Stay tuned, there are more songs to be played.

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